Treating Bacterial Infections in Cats with Lincomycin

Lincomycin is an antibiotic given to cats to treat bacterial infections and is sometimes known as Lincocin. This medication can be used for a variety of infections, including skin infections, inflammation of the kidneys or uterus, oral infections and respiratory infections. Lincomycin should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. Follow the dosage amounts and instructions of your vet when administering lincomycin to avoid potential side effects like diarrhea and vomiting.

Treating Bacterial Infections

Symptoms of bacterial infections include fever, lethargy, change in behavior, inflammation and abnormal bowel movements and will require a trip to the vet's office. Infections in cats can affect many areas of the body and have several causes. In order to prescribe the right medication your veterinarian must determine what the cause of the infection is and how it should be treated. Antibiotics like lincomycin should always be administered for the full time period prescribed by your veterinarian, even if symptoms seem to have gone away.

Preventing Infections in Your Cat

Maintaining a strong immune system will help your cat fight off infections and prevent bacterial infections from developing in your pet. A balanced diet with high quality ingredients and plenty of protein and vitamins will allow your cat to build up immunity and live a healthy and active life. Restricted calories can also suppress the immune system so talk with your veterinarian about meal servings and how frequently you should feed your fat if you are concerned.

If your cat is suffering from recurring bacterial infections there may be a more serious health concern, such as Feline Leukemia Virus. A disease like FeLV can cause immunodeficiency which in turn can cause your cat to develop infections more frequently. Talk with your veterinarian about your cat's health history; the vet can perform blood work, a physical exam and other tests to diagnose an underlying health issue that may be causing the infections.

If your cat is diagnosed with a bacterial infection or displays any of the symptoms, keep him isolated from any other animals in your home to prevent the spread of diseases which can be highly contagious. Clean any bedding, cages and food and waters bowls as soon as possible and keep food and water bowls separate to prevent your healthy pets from catching any infections.

Cats that are stressed and anxious are also more likely to become sick so owners should keep their pets in a clean and calm environment.

Possible Side Effects

Talk to your veterinarian about any previous reactions your cat has experienced due to medication and discuss any current medication to avoid drug interactions. Some potential side effects of lincomycin include vomiting, loose stool and bloody diarrhea. These side effects should be addressed by your veterinarian if symptoms are prolonged and severe. Signs your cat may be suffering from an allergic reaction include swelling, rashes, hives, scratching, pale gums, shock and seizures. Contact your vet's office immediately if your cat exhibits any of these symptoms of allergies to the antibiotic lincomycin.

