Making a Fat Dog Fit: 5 Tips for Weight Loss

A fat dog is not a healthy dog and may be subject to different health problems. Weight loss is highly recommended by vets for all dogs that are overweight. The dog fat can be reduced through a change in the diet, exercising and applying a few weight loss tips.

1. Dog Diet Changes for Weight Loss

The diet of a dog that needs to lose some weight should be different than the diet of a dog with normal weight. First of all, the amount of food an overweight dog eats should be less. By reducing the calories the dog eats, you will ensure that he will lose some weight.

The vet should establish how many calories you can cut off the dog’s diet. The essential nutrients should be present in the dog’s diet regardless of the amount of food your dog eats. The essential nutrients a dog needs include proteins (at least 20%), fats and fibers. The amount of carbohydrates can be reduced in the diet of an overweight dog.

2. Choose the Best Diets for Weight Loss

The commercial food can contain a lot of fillers such as flour and sugars and these are not beneficial for the dog’s weight. A home prepared diet that includes all the essential nutrients can help your dog lose some weight.

Wet commercial food may also be recommended, as it contains a lot of water and this will keep the dog full for longer, so he won’t feel hungry even if he eats less. 

There are also food formulas for canines that are light, which means that they contain fewer calories. As long as these foods contain the right amount of essential nutrients, you can administer these while your dog is on a diet.

3. Dog Exercise

Dog exercise is essential for the canine fitness. Coupled with a diet with a low amount of calories, dog exercise can lead to getting to the ideal weight faster.

The dog should exercise every day, for at least 30 minutes. The activities should be entertaining such as running, fetching games, swimming or jumping. You should make sure that these activities will increase the dog’s heart rate, which will make sure that he will burn calories and fat.

If your dog enjoys the activities, he will be more likely to continue the exercise program and lose weight faster.

4. No Free Feeding

An overweight dog shouldn’t be free fed. This will encourage your pet to snack whenever he feels hungry or whenever he sees the food bowl.

The dog should be fed once or twice per day. Ideally, adult dogs should only get 1 meal per day.

5. Fewer Treats

You should also control the amounts of treats that the dog gets. If you are too generous with the treats this alone may make your dog fat. Opt for treats that are poor in calories and only reward your dog 2 to 3 times per day. You may also reward your dog with words and by patting him.

