Male Dog Incontinence Treatment

Dog incontinence occurs when your pet leaks or passes urine involuntarily. In male canines, this condition can be due to issues such as stress, blockages, infection, excessive thirst, spinal cord injuries, or a weakened bladder. The condition is much more common in female dogs than males, however. In certain cases, incontinence in male dogs can be a sign of prostate disease or cancer. Incontinence can also occur in elderly canines who are experiencing a drop in hormone levels and younger canines who have recently been neutered. 

Certain breeds are more prone to developing incontinence than others, but the condition can affect all breeds of dogs. Siberian Huskies, Welsh Corgis, Miniature Poodles, Wire-haired Fox Terriers, Labrador Retrievers and West Highland White Terriers are most often affected with involuntary incontinence. 

Signs and Symptoms of Incontinence in Male Dogs

The following signs may be present if your male dog is experiencing incontinence:

  • Urinating in sleep
  • Involuntarily urinating during the day
  • Excessive urination
  • Frequent licking of the genitals

Diagnosing Urinary Incontinence in Dogs

When pet owners notice any of the signs or symptoms of urinary incontinence in their male dog, they should take the dog to a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. The veterinarian will test the urine for bacteria or infections. The dog may also be tested for the underlying causes of urinary incontinence so that the condition can be addressed and treated. 

Treating Male Dog Incontinence

Once you have taken your pet to a veterinarian and he has been properly diagnosed with incontinence, treatment may begin. Treatment may depend on the underlying cause of the incontinence, whether it is stress, a bladder infection, a blockage or any other condition. In most cases, incontinence in male dogs is easily cured with the proper treatment. 

In many cases, medication will be used for the treatment of incontinence. Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) is the most common medication given to dogs who are suffering from incontinence and involuntary urination. Phenylpropanolamine works on incontinence by tightening the bladder muscles, and is usually a very effective form of treatment for male dogs suffering from the condition. If your pet is experiencing low hormone levels due to age, hormone injections and replacement therapy can also be used to treat incontinence. Pet owners should be aware that using hormone replacements may cause aggression in their pet. 

In addition to medication, there are also natural treatments and remedies that can be used for urinary incontinence in male canines. Certain herbs, particularly corn silk, can help treat incontinence. Corn silk is usually put in the pet's food, with the dosage amounts depending on the dog's age, size and weight. Using natural remedies alone may not completely cure the condition, but will help the process in combination with other treatments. 

It is also recommended that pet owners alter the diet of their pets suffering from incontinence. Dogs with incontinence issues should be fed diets free of grain. Raw foods and vegetables may also help the condition. It is never recommended to feed a dog suffering from incontinence a low quality food, as this may only exasperate the condition. 

