Metformin for Dogs

Although metformin was developed as an anti-diabetic drug in the treatment of type 2 diabetes for humans it has been used effectively in treating dogs under similar conditions. This drug will usually be prescribed by a veterinarian if the dog has developed an obesity problem or has become resistant to the effects of insulin.

 Studies have shown that metformin may also be used in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, however the effectiveness of this medication on dogs has been met with differing results and the success of the drug in this area is still unclear. Finally, there are some indications that metformin may assist in the reduction of weight gain for dogs, especially when used in conjunction with diet and exercise. Obesity in dogs has become more prevalent in recent years.

Side Effects of Metformin

For the most part if the dosage of metformin is adequately prescribed and monitored there should be no side effects, however, research has failed to establish when and under what conditions a negative reaction will occur. An infrequent, but notable complaint regarding the use of metformin is gastrointestinal upset. This can result in significant discomfort for the pet. Lowering the dosage usually corrects the problem. If lowering the dosage does not result in a visible decrease in the signs of gastrointestinal problems this is an indication there may be more serious underlying ailments.

A Major Concern Regarding the Use of Metformin

A serious condition that could result from the application of metformin is an ailment referred to as lactic acidosis. This is a serious condition that could turn fatal if not diagnosed immediately and treated appropriately. Lactic acidosis is an abnormal life-threatening condition where there is an excessive build-up of lactic acid in the blood. However the occurrences of lactic acidosis are infrequent.

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid is a waste product that builds up when the muscles are actively used and the body does not have enough time to properly replenish its oxygen stores. All animals and humans produce lactic acid when their muscles are used for work. Lactic acid build-up is the burning sensation that one feels when they are exercising hard and the muscles begin to have difficulty contracting and responding to the activity. Essentially, lactic acid is the bodies way of saying that rest is required. It is not usually a concern and will dissipate from the body in a matter of hours. Although, on rare occasions, there is a problem with oxygen regeneration resulting in lactic acidosis.

Symptoms to Watch for When Using Metformin

The symptoms that a pet owner should be looking for when monitoring the use of metformin are:

  • rapid shallow breathing - to the point of possible constant gasping
  • anxiousness - a lack of being able to settle down
  • rapid heart rate - unable to slow down
  • nausea and excessive vomiting
  • diarrhea - this could be a concern if the dog becomes dehydrated
  • fatigue - showing signs of lethargy or a significant decrease in energy level

Brand-Names for Metformin

Metformin will probably only be available in product or brand names and some of the more familiar ones are:

  • Glucophage XR
  • Riomet
  • Fortmet
  • Glumetza
  • Obinet
  • Dianben
  • Diabex
  • Diaformin
