Panting in Dogs with Cancer

Dogs with cancer often pant because of excessive pain. All types of canine cancer can cause episodes of severe pain and discomfort. Pain of the abdomen, in particular, tends to produce heavy panting and labored breathing symptoms in your pet. If your pet has cancer and is frequently panting or breathing heavily, do not be alarmed. Drooling is also a sign of pain due to cancer in canines. 

Pain and Panting in Dogs

While pain of any area of the body can cause panting, pain in the abdominal cavity will almost always cause your dog to pant. Your pet may also drool excessively if he is suffering from any type of abdominal pain or discomfort. In addition, your pet might become restless, distressed and anxious when he is suffering from pain in the body. 

There are various types of canine cancer that can cause extreme pain within the body, especially if the cancer is in the advanced stages. Cancer also tends to put more stress on the body and the internal organs, which also can cause panting episodes. While this is common for dogs with cancer, if your pet appears to be in extreme pain or suffering, it is best to contact a veterinarian promptly. There may be various different treatments or ways to ease your pet's pain and panting. 

How to Treat Pain in Dogs

When your pet is diagnosed with cancer, it can be devastating to both you and your dog. It is often hard for many pet owners to let their pets go when they are very ill, and because of this, many dogs suffer in pain due to serious illnesses such as cancer. Cancer, especially when it is in the more advanced stages, can cause an array of problems. Pain is one of the biggest issues with canine cancer in the later stages. It is often best to allow the pet to be put to sleep when the disease becomes too much for them to handle. 

If your pet is in pain due to cancer, there are a few things pet owners can do to help ease the discomfort. Anti-inflammatory drugs and NSAIDS are often prescribed by veterinarians to dogs with cancer and excessive pain. Making sure your pet is comfortable at home is also important, and a good way to ease pain. Provide a comfortable sleeping area or bed for your pet to sleep on. Keeping his environment quiet and free of stress is also highly recommended. The calmer your pet is, the more relaxed he will feel, lessening the effects of pain.

Diet can also be altered to lessen the effects of pain. A high quality dog food is always better for a sick dog than cheaper dog foods with fillers and other unhealthy ingredients. Feeding your pet a healthy diet can also lengthen his life and make him healthier overall. Meat-based diets of higher quality are recommended for dogs with cancer.

