Persian Cat Skin Problems

Persian cat skin problems are common in this breed of cats. Their coats are full and beautiful and can be ruined by skin problems. There are several conditions which could cause your cat’s skin discomfort and irritability.

Fungal Infections Cause Skin Lesions in Cats

Fungal infections are common diseases in Persian cats that can cause discomfort and even death. Antibiotics are not effective in fungal infections, so other treatments are necessary. Cats with weak immune systems are more susceptible to fungal infections. Coccidioides is a fungal disease that lives in the soil in hot, sandy climates. This displays itself as draining skin lesions. It can be caught by simply breathing in the germs.

Pythiosis also shows itself through skin lesions. It enters the skins through open sores. Treatment usually involves surgery to remove the entire nodule. Sporotrichosis and Zygomycosis are also fungal diseases that cause lesions on the head, neck and tail. The cat may develop a fever and show signs of lethargy and loss of appetite. Treatment is usually oral potassium iodide.

Ringworm and Yeast Infections Cause Lesions and Sores in Cats

Ringworm is also a fungal infection with less serious side effects. Ringworms are small round lesions that have no hair on them. The sores are scaly and red. The lesions can spread across the face and not maintain its circular shape. Ringworm is usually treated with a topical cream. The cat’s environment can become infected through contact, so it must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. If your cat shows signs of hair loss, yeast infection could be the reason. Generally found in ear canal, anal sac, vagina and rectum, it can also spread to the skin. Treatment must be applied several times a day for several weeks.

Parasites and Skin Problems in Persian Cats

Ear mites, ticks, and fleas are tiny parasites that can cause a lot of problems. Fleas can infest your cat and cause itching and discomfort. Ticks bury themselves in the skin and suck blood. Removing the entire tick will eliminate the problem. If the head is left behind, the spot can become infected which may not heal easily. Ticks can spread diseases such as Lyme disease. Ear mites bury themselves in the cat’s ear and can be treated with ear drops. These parasites can cause the cat such discomfort that it may scratch itself and cause damage to the skin and fur. Always check for parasites if you notice your cat is scratching more than normal.

Food Allergies and Skin Rashes in Cats

The third most common skin condition for your Persian cat is food allergies. This may cause itching on your cat’s skin. Pets can develop food allergies over time, so it doesn’t necessarily have to be something new it’s eating. Skin rashes and dermatitis are mild symptoms of allergies.

Demodectic Mange on your Cat's Skin

Domodectic mange lives in the skin follicles on the outside of the skin. The cat will have hair loss and scaly skin.  Lesions will be itchy and red. Feline Leukemia Virus can also present itself with similar symptoms, so the cat should be tested before treatment. Treatment of mange usually involves a sulfur dip or topical cream.

