Pet Allergy Treatment

Regardless if your pet has a light allergic reaction or a more severe one, you need to look into a few pet allergy treatment options. Pet allergies are caused by numerous factors such as diet, airborne substances or parasites. The symptoms of the allergies include sneezing, skin itchiness, dermatitis, runny nose, watery eyes or behavioral changes and irritability. The treatment options range from avoidance of allergens to allergy shots.


Avoiding the allergens is the easiest way to prevent allergies. Once you detect the allergen that is harmful for your pet, you should remove it permanently from your home.

Food allergies will be identified and a new diet should be administered, making sure that the culprit ingredient is avoided. Prescription diets are available for sensitive pets.

In case your pet is allergic to household cleaners, you should opt for different cleaners or lock these in a closet where the pet cannot have access.

However, pollens and dust may not be completely removed from your pet's environment, so you need to get some treatment.


Decongestants or antihistamines are typically the first recommended drugs in allergies of any type. Until the allergen is detected and a long term treatment is chosen, the antihistamines will do a good job in reducing the allergic reactions.


Steroids may be administered orally or through topical ointments. The ointments are effective in reducing the itchiness on the skin, while the pills will control the swelling and other possible symptoms of allergies.

Steroids are hormones, so a long time treatment may lead to numerous side effects (drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhea, behavioral changes). However, steroids have fewer side effects in pets than in humans.


75% of pets that get immunization therapy are completely treated after 6 to 12 months of allergy shots.

The shots may be administered only if you identify the specific allergen; the shots are created especially for your pet's allergies, containing the allergen.

The immunization therapy is effective in treating inhalant allergies but will not work in removing food allergies.

Natural Remedies

Allergies may also be treated with some natural remedies. Get some immunity booster herbs such as Echinacea.

Use oat extracts instead of the normal dog shampoo, or purchase an all natural dog shampoo. Rinse the dog with apple cider vinegar, which is effective in relieving the itchiness.

Other effective herb extracts are dandelion, aloe vera or licorice root, which has the same therapeutical effects as corticosteroids.

Parasite Treatment

Parasites may create allergic reactions as they bite the pets. Typically, pets are allergic to parasite saliva, which is transferred through the bites.

The parasites may be treated with flea shampoos, insecticide solutions and parasite collars for prevention.

The rashes caused by parasites will persist even after the parasites are gone and should be treated with steroid creams.

Frequent Baths

Frequent baths may reduce your pet's allergic reactions. The most intolerable symptoms of allergies include the itchy skin; baths can relieve itchiness and the water and shampoos will remove the allergens that enter the pet's system through the skin pores.

