Piroxicam for Dogs

Piroxicam for dogs is a drug that is oftentimes used to help treat bladder cancer cases. Specifically, this medicine is frequently administered in cases of transitional cell carcinoma in order to relieve symptoms and prevent the further spread of the cancer. Before you plan to give piroxicam to your pet, though, it's important that you consult with a veterinarian for all of the specifics of the medicine. Piroxicam is also known by the brand name label drug called Feldene.

Piroxicam Overview

Piroxicam is an example of a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug, also known as an NSAID. These drugs work to inhibit the production of a class of chemical called prostaglandins from your pet's body. When prostaglandins are not produced, they cannot then attach to receptor cells throughout your dog's system. The process of these prostaglandin chemicals attaching to the receptor cells results in a reaction of inflammation and pain in your pet. Therefore, NSAIDs are used to reduce inflammation and symptoms of pain associated with various conditions. Piroxicam can also be used to address fevers as well.

Using Piroxicam for Your Pet

Piroxicam is tested and developed for use in humans only. The FDA has regulated its use in human cases and not in animal ones. However, the veterinarian that you work with can still prescribe this medicine for your pet's use in some cases. It has to be prescribed as a special extra label drug, however.

Piroxicam is generally provided in capsules that can be opened and included along with the food that your pet eats or given along with a food treat. The dosage of the medicine will depend upon your pet's size and weight, as well as the exact condition from which he's suffering. Generally, vets will recommend giving piroxicam once every two days or so in order to address general inflammation issues. Piroxicam is usually dosed once per day as a treatment for transitional cell carcinomas.

Risks and Side Effects of Piroxicam

While generally safe for use in animals, Piroxicam can cause some side effects and may react with other medicines in your pet's system. Tell your vet about all other conditions that your pet is suffering from before you begin any treatment program involving piroxicam. Additionally, it's important to notify your vet of any other medicines that your dog may be taking.

The most common side effects of piroxicam include the following:

  • Loss of blood clotting ability
  • Liver damage (in extreme doses only)
  • Intestinal ulcers
  • Dark colored stool
  • Intestinal perforation
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of energy

If you notice any of these side effects, it's crucial that you inform your vet immediately. Some of these effects may threaten your pet's life, and these side effects can come into effect quite quickly. Additionally, in very rare cases your pet may experience an allergic reaction to piroxicam. If you notice any signs of an allergic reaction, take your dog in to an emergency veterinary medical facility for treatment immediately.

