Preventative Care Tips to Keep Your Cat Healthy

Keeping your cat healthy as she becomes older is an easier task if you follow simple preventive care tips. With adequate home care and routine vet checks, cats can live both healthy and happy lives.

Cat Grooming

Although cats are known to groom themselves, it's beneficial to brush their coat every week. Since cats shed fur, brushing the coat will help reduce the occurrence of hairballs. Along with brushing your pet's coat, it's important to trim her nails. This is particularly important in older cats, as they stand a chance of developing nail overgrowth.


There are two types of vaccines available for cats. Core vaccines are those that should be administered to all cats. Non-core vaccines may not be necessary for all pets. Vaccinations should generally begin at 6 to 8 weeks of age. Newly acquired pets must be given their vaccinations on time, as they may have pre-existing conditions contracted at birth. The core vaccinations for cats include panleukopenia, feline viral respiratory disease complex and the rabies vaccine. Feline leukemia virus, feline immunodeficiency virus, chlamydophila felis and the bordetella bronchiseptica vaccine are non-core vaccinations that may be recommended for certain pets.

Flea and Tick Prevention

If you notice dirt like grains when you brush your cat's coat, it's likely a flea infection. Fleas attach themselves easily when cats go outdoors. Fleas and ticks are infection-carrying parasites. They can transmit tapeworm infection and cause anemia in pets. There are several flea medications available that effectively kill flea larvae, eggs and adult fleas. Cat's ears should also be checked periodically for ear mites and wax buildup.

Diet and Supplements

Cats are carnivores and require diets high in proteins and low in carbohydrates. The proteins are commonly obtained from animal sources. Animal proteins also contain amino acids that are good for overall cat health. Cats cannot synthesize taurine on their own and it may be necessary to include taurine supplements as part of their diet. Pets suffering from obesity, diabetes and thyroid can be given special pet diets. Along with good food, cats should be given minerals and essential fatty acids that will keep them healthy and boost their immune system.

Routine Vet Checks

The vet will perform a routine vet check that involves a physical examination of the cat's coat, skin, mouth, ears and nose. The vet will also check the cat's pulse and temperature to make certain that it falls within the normal range.

Parasite Screening

Fecal exams should be conducted at least twice a year to detect parasite infections such as roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms in cats. If you notice segments in your cat's stool or any changes in her feces, seek medical help. The vet may recommend a monthly preventive medication once the infection is treated.

Simple preventive tips will ensure a long and healthy life for your cat. It could also prevent expensive surgeries or treatments.

