Risk Factors for Feline Urinary Infection

Feline urinary infection can occur in the urethra or the bladder. Your pet will exhibit many signs that indicate a urinary infection. Although feline urinary infection can occur in all types of cats in any age group, certain risk factors can increase your cat's susceptibility to infection.

Symptoms of Feline UTI

  • Bloody urine
  • Frequent urination
  • Painful urination
  • Foul smelling urine
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of vitality

Kittens at Greater Risk of Cat Urinary Tract Infection

Kittens are at a greater risk of contracting urinary infection. Kittens have to be fed a diet appropriate to their age. Adult cat food doesn't entirely meet the criteria for kitten food as it may contain higher levels of minerals. Adult male cats are also at risk of contracting urinary infection. Adult cats need to be given fresh clean water for proper hydration. Make sure the diet incorporates all the essential vitamins and minerals found in dry cat food.

Male Cats More Susceptible to Cat UTI

Male felines have a narrower urethral opening. Over time, mineral deposits that don't pass through the urethra accumulate and form a blockage. This lead to infection and you might notice the cat licking the penis in an attempt to clear the obstruction. The penis also appears slightly protruded. Urethral obstruction is a serious condition and requires prompt medical intervention.

Ensure Proper Diet

Cat food that contains high levels of magnesium is known to create kidney stones. The kidney stones or uroliths are composed of either magnesium ammonium phosphate or calcium oxalate. There are several commercially available cat food diets that limit the intake of dietary magnesium. Kidney stones that form in the urinary tract, cause bladder infection and damage the lining of the urinary tract if they pass in the urine.

Bacteria Around the Home Is a Risk

Cats that survive in homes that are not properly disinfected have a greater chance of coming in contact with bacteria, fungus and parasites. Litter boxes that aren't cleaned daily pose a great threat to your pet. You must provide several litter boxes for your cat and make certain that the litter is changed daily. Dirty litter boxes are an easy source of contamination that caused urinary tract infection.

Other Illnesses

Cats who suffer from diabetes mellitus and pets that are overweight or obese tend to have more complications and are consequently susceptible to urinary infections. Make sure you feed your cat a diet rich in vital nutrients. Don't give your pet table leftovers as certain food items may be toxic for him.

Often, cats tend to mask signs of illness and the urinary tract infection goes unnoticed. If feline urinary infections are not treated in time they could cause partial or complete blockage of the urinary tract and eventually lead to death.

Known related feline urinary infections are idiopathic lower urinary tract disease (ILUTD), feline urinary disease (FUS) and cystitis.

If you suspect your cat has a urinary infection, seek veterinary care. The vet will conduct a urine analysis and may prescribe a course of antibiotics to cure the infection.

