Is It Safe To Drug Your Cat?

Some owners give their cat a drug or tranquilizers in different situations. The safety of the administration of cat medication by ear may be questionable. Don't just medicate your pet; make sure you talk to your vet before.

Symptoms of a Disease

Pet owners administer drugs to cats when they notice some symptoms and they believe they know the cure. This couldn't be more wrong. The diagnosis may be wrong in the first place and the dosage of the cat medication can be incorrect. You wouldn't give your cat poison, but that's just what administering the wrong drug can do.

There are a lot of diseases that have similar symptoms and poles-apart treatment. Make sure you visit the vet before you give any drugs to your cat.

Stressful Situations

Owners tend to give tranquilizers to cats when they encounter stressful situations such as flying or going to the vet. Tranquilizers may calm the cat down, but they can be harmful for a cat with a heart condition. Talk to your vet to see if your cat can get tranquillizers. It's also important to know the dosage.

Diet Supplements

Pet owners often buy dietary supplements for their cat. Even if some extra vitamins shouldn't do too much harm, talk to your vet to ensure your cat is not allergic to any of the supplements.

