Selamectin for Cats

Selamectin represents the active ingredient of a prescription drug called Revolution. This medicine is used in the prevention or treatment of numerous types of parasite infections, most particularly the infections with heartworms, fleas, ear mites and other parasites.

Preventing Feline Heartworm Infections with Selamectin

The drug can be successfully used for preventing heartworm infections in cats, but it is not effective in treating such infections. Adult heartworms are not affected by the drug and neither are heartworms in larval form, which are also known as microfilaria. The latter are found in the bloodstream of the cats that suffer from such an infection.

Selamectin and Flea Control

Flea control is also found among the primary indications of this medicine. For the best results, it is recommended to use Selamectin as a preventive measure against the infestation with fleas. In this case, however, the medicine proves to be effective even if the cat is already infested with fleas. Maximum efficiency is achieved when the medicine is used once a month.

Ear Mite Treatment with Selamectin

Infections with ear mites in cats can be easily treated with only one application of Selamectin. A second dose may be necessary after a month if the infection persists and the symptoms are still present. In addition to this infection, Selamectin can also be successfully used for treating infections with hookworms and roundworms in cats.

Availability and Administration of Selamectin

Selamectin is available as an unguent that is applied on the skin of the cat, in the areas affected by parasites. It is found in tubes of various capacities with the concentration of 15mg or 45mg per tube. Other concentrations are also available, but those are recommended for use in dogs. The suggested dose starts from 2.7mg per pound of body weight and increases depending on the severity of the symptoms. Since the medicine is used for topical application, it should not be administered orally. The veterinarian may exemplify how Selamectin needs to be applied or may provide instructions on how to do this. The hair from the base of the neck needs to be parted and the tube must be squeezed several times until the entire amount of medicine is on the skin. The cat can be safely bathed after 2 or more hours after applying Selamectin, as this will not decrease the efficiency of the treatment.

Contraindications and Adverse Reactions from Selamectin

According to tolerance trials, Selamectin is safe for both nursing and pregnant cats. Still, it should not be administered to kittens younger than 8 weeks. More than that, it needs to be used with great care in debilitated, sick and underweight cats. Several Collie breeds manifest an increased sensitivity to this medicine.

Side effects are rare, but may still occur in some cases. Some of the most common adverse reactions caused by this medicine include:

  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Excess salivation
  • Hair loss in the application area
  • Itchiness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle tremors
  • Rapid respiratory rate
  • Seizures
  • Swelling
  • Vomiting

Depending on the number and severity of the side effects, it may be necessary to contact a veterinarian. The side effects usually disappear if an alternative medicine is used or if the dosage is lowered.

