Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Dogs

Discover the sexually transmitted diseases dogs face. There are three canine STDs. Learn more about the three sexually transmitted diseases so that you can ensure your dog avoids them.

Canine Brucellosis

The biggest danger facing dogs with Canine Brucellosis is that puppies rarely survive it. Female dogs with Canine Brucellosis have a harder time becoming pregnant and generally abort their puppies during the latter stage of pregnancy. Male dogs usually develop swollen testicles and become sterile.

Canine Brucellosis is spread through sexual contact or ingestion of items containing the bacteria. There is no vaccination that's proven effective against the disease. It's best to test a pet for the bacteria before breeding. If the test is positive, do not use that dog for breeding.

It's important to note that Canine Brucellosis can be spread to humans. It's not common, but pet owners who hold a puppy fetus are at risk. Humans with Canine Brucellosis can develop liver disease and arthritis.

Canine Herpesvirus Is a Common Sexually Transmitted Disease

Canine Herpesvirus are one of two sexually transmitted diseases that affect unborn puppies. There are minimal symptoms, so it's important for breeders to have their dogs tested prior to breeding. During pregnancy, keep the pregnant female away from other dogs until the puppies are a few weeks old. If a female is exposed at any time during pregnancy or for three weeks following the birth, the puppies are at risk.

Puppies die from Canine Herpesvirus if the mother contracts the virus during or after pregnancy. The virus incubates in as little as three days causing breathing changes, loss of appetite and vomiting. Most puppies die within two days, and after three weeks of age, their bodies are able to battle the virus effectively.

The canine STD is sexually transmitted, but it also spreads through mucus in the mouth and nose. Biting, licking and sniffing are additional ways the canine sexually transmitted disease spreads.

If your dog has Canine Herpesvirus or you've lost puppies to the disease, it is important to use a strong disinfectant to thoroughly clean the area. The virus dies at 68 degrees, so keeping your room cooler may help.

There is a vaccination available in Europe. At this time, the vaccination is only used on pregnant dogs and is given at two points during the pregnancy.

Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumors

Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumors or CTVT is a sexually transmitted cancer. It can also spread through biting, licking and sniffing the penile or vaginal areas. The tumors are spread through body fluids.

Tumors resembling warts will appear on a canine's penis or vaginal area. Less often, they'll develop around the mouth and nose.

CTVT is most common in warm, humid climates. Surgical removal is rarely used because of the location of the tumors. Treatment involves chemotherapy or radiation. Chemotherapy for the sexually transmitted disease is the first option, and if that fails to work, radiation will be used. This is not a life-threatening cancer, but it does spread rapidly if ignored.

Summing it Up

Spaying or neutering your dog is beneficial, but it will not always prevent sexually transmitted diseases. If you plan to breed your pet, make sure you have it tested first.

