11 Symptoms of Canine Liver Disease

Canine liver disease is one of the top five causes of possible death for a dog. The liver removes waste and toxins from the blood as well as produces bile to aid digestion. When the liver is compromised, the health of your dog is in jeopardy. Dogs with liver disease may show any number of signs and symptoms. A few symptoms, such as jaundice, are specific to liver disease and other liver problems.

11 Symptoms of Canine Liver Disease

  1. Recurrent gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting, diarrhea and constipation
  2. Loss of appetite and chronic weight loss
  3. Depression and lethargy
  4. A swollen belly due to fluid accumulation
  5. Pale, gray or white feces
  6. Orange colored urine
  7. Jaundice, this is when the skin or visible tissue takes on a yellow hue
  8. Pain associated with the abdomen
  9. Increased urination and water consumption
  10. Severe neurological problems such as seizures, aimless pacing and behavioral changes
  11. Bleeding problems may occur, but are rare
