Symptoms of Cat Urinary Problems

Cat urinary problems come in different forms with several different symptoms. It's not at all uncommon for a cat to develop a urinary tract infection or a lower urinary disease, FLUTD, at some point during the lifespan. The telltale symptoms can help you avoid these moderate illnesses from turning into an obstructed bladder which is a serious condition.

More Trips to the Litter Box

A cat with an issue in the urinary system will start visiting the litter box much more often than usual. It's important to know your cat's regular habits so that you can determine if his trips to the box are unusual. You'll notice that the visits don't make logical sense. Your cat will come out of the bathroom and turn around and go right back in.

Less Urine in the Box

Despite the more frequent bathroom visits, you'll see evidence of less urine. Cats with a urinary infection will be less able to produce as much urine. This is partly due to inflammation and urine that may be thick. It's also likely due to crystals that have formed from an excess mineral content in the urine.

Straining in the Box

A cat who's urinary system is infected will feel the need to urinate and will try hard to make that happen. He won't be able to do what he feels like he needs to do. You'll hear straining noises or you'll notice the cat almost seeming to try to push out his urine.

Painful Urination

For a cat with urinary problems, urination is painful because of the inflammation. The irritation in the genitals also makes urination uncomfortable.

Eliminating Outside the Box

A cat who has had a urinary tract infection for a few days will begin to think that the litter box is causing him pain. He'll want to thus avoid the box.

Blood in the Urine

If a cat's urinary infection has worsened, blood in the urine may be present. You might just see a little bit of blood or perhaps as much as a teaspoon.

Sounds of Distress and Unusual Behavior

A cat's bladder can become completely blocked by crystal material. The urine sits without movement and becomes extremely infected. You'll hear a kind of meow you've never heard from your cat before. He'll be in so much distress that he may retreat under the furniture or the beds in a way he doesn't normally do.

Over-Attention to the Genitals

Your cat may feel really irritated around his penis and scrotal area, even if there's nothing there. He'll thus want to soothe the area and will also be a bit overly concerned with the area. You'll notice excess licking and biting, possibly even to the point of injuring the skin.

Medical and Physical Changes

A vet can feel changes and lab tests can show signs of urinary problems. A vet will feel immediately if the bladder is enlarged or obstructed.

