Symptoms of Regenerative Anemia in Dogs

There are two different types of anemia in dogs. They are classified as regenerative and non-regenerative. Both types are potentially dangerous to your pet's long term health and involve a depletion of red blood cells. They can be caused by various things, but regenerative anemia is typically caused by a total loss of blood due to hemorrhaging, a major wound or injury, or hemolysis.

Recognizing the symptoms of anemia in your pet is the first step toward treating the condition and returning your dog's lively temperament and energy levels to normal. Read on for a brief overview of some of the symptoms most commonly associated with regenerative anemia in dogs.

Visible Blood Loss

If your pet is experiencing visible blood loss, this is likely the most easily recognizable symptom of anemia. There may have been a single injury or wound that resulted in this blood loss. Similarly, the blood loss can come about as a result of another disease or condition; anemia is frequently cited as a secondary condition that develops as a result of other problems with your pet's health that lead to blood loss in some capacity.

Internal Bleeding

Many other causes of blood loss are less visible and readily noticeable by owners and vets. Internal bleeding is one of the major symptoms of anemia in dogs. This can be a result of a burst tumor or a gastrointestinal ulcer of some kind, or it can be any number of other conditions or problems that result in internal bleeding. Watch out for your pet's abdomen area for signs of swelling and discoloration that are oftentimes symptoms of internal bleeding.


Parasites are oftentimes a symptom of anemia as well, and they help to increase the overall effects off this condition in pets too. If your dog has external parasites like fleas or ticks, they can be signs of a mild anemia. Internal parasites are more difficult to recognize, but can cause a more serious case of anemia as well.

Lethargy and Paleness

Dogs that are suffering from anemia, either regenerative or non-regenerative in nature, oftentimes experience mild to severe lethargy and accompanying paleness. If your dog's skin seems to have lost its luster and his coat doesn't shine as brightly as normal, these may be symptoms of anemia. Dogs with more severe anemia may find it difficult to run, walk, play or even to stand up. These symptoms are typically representative of a more serious case of anemia that requires a blood transfusion or other immediate form of action in order to maintain your pet's health.

Loss of Appetite

A general loss of appetite is also common amongst dogs with anemia or a form of anemia. Take note as to whether your pet seems to be reluctant to eat or drink; this is typically a sign of some negative medical condition, whether it's anemia or something else.

At the first sign of any of these symptoms, take your pet in to the veterinarian's office for a checkup and a thorough physical examination.

