Symptoms of Untreated Diabetes in Cats

Diabetes in cats, if left untreated, can be fatal. There are a number of symptoms you can look for and alert your vet to the potential of diabetes. The faster you get a diagnosis, the faster you can put together a treatment plan and help your cat feel better. While, diabetes is a serious condition, if diagnosed and treated quickly, your cats diabetes can be controlled through diet and activity levels. Even if your cat is suffering from a more difficult stage of diabetes, you can treat your cat with daily injections, much as humans with diabetes. After a diagnosis speak with your vet about the best treatment methods for your cat and work your cat into a routine that includes these treatments. Your cat may be resistant to his new routine at first, but will start feeling better almost immediately.

Excessive Thirst in Diabetic cats

When your cat's body over produces insulin it causes the kidneys to work over time trying to flush the excess out. This means your cat needs to replenish fluids more often than usual. If you notice your cat is drink more water than usual, this may be a symptom of diabetes.

Diabetes in Cats and Weight Loss

Because the excess or shortage of insulin can cause changes in your cats appetite, you cat can lose weight whether they experience and increased or decreased appetite. Weight loss from a decrease in appetite is cause by lack of nutrients. If you notice an increase in appetite and your cat is still losing weight this is a definite red flag for diabetes.

Diabetic Cat Lethargy

When you're cat is experiencing the symptoms mentioned and the spikes in blood sugar, they often feel lethargic or seem depressed. Think about how you feel when your dizzy, have fluctuations in appetite and are experiencing other symptoms. If your cat is sleeping more than usual or doesn't seem to have the same personality traits, mention this to your vet.

Increase in Urination

As mentioned the increase in urination and thirst come from the overworked kidneys trying to flush out the excess insulin. Between increased urination and thirst, your cat can become dehydrated if left untreated.

Advanced Diabetes Stage Symptoms

If left untreated, your cat can experience end-stage diabetes symptoms. These symptoms include:

  • Rapid Breathing
  • Kidney Failure
  • Coma
  • Vomiting
  • Death

If your cat is experiencing rapid breathing, vomiting or loss of consciousness you need to take your cat to an emergency animal hospital immediately. Do not try to treat your cat in any way. If you do not live in an area with access to an emergency animal hospital, contact your vet's office for the on-call doctor.

Diabetes primarily effects the kidney and pancreas. The kidneys work hard to process out the extra insulin, while the pancreas is over or under producing insulin. If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat, take your cat to the doctor immediately for an insulin test. A quick test of your cat's insulin level could mean the different between life and death.

