T4 Test for Hypothyroidism in Dogs

Hypothyroidism is a relatively common problem in older dogs, and it's typically detected by means of a procedure known as a T4 test. This test measures a certain type of chemical in the blood and can help to determine whether or not the thyroid is functioning at an appropriate level. Because the thyroid is a very important part of your dog's body and helps to regulate numerous other systems and parts of his body, it's crucial that you complete the T4 test and any other procedures that may be required. This will help you to determine whether your pet has a problem with this gland.

Hypothyroidism and T4

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland functions at a level which is below normal. The thyroid gland produces two major hormones. These chemicals, called T3 and T4, are responsible for a number of different functions in your pet's body. They will dictate how a lot of other systems in his body work, including his metabolism, energy production, growth systems and more. If the levels of these hormones are below the point at which they should be, a wide variety of different problems can occur.

The T4 Test

The T4 test itself is quite simple. You'll need to bring the dog in to the vet and he'll draw a decent size sample of blood from your pet. This doesn't hurt or bother most dogs, but if your pet is agitated or tends to be nervous in these situations, your vet can give him a mild sedative to help calm him throughout the process.

After he's taken a sampling of your pet's blood, the vet will send the blood off to the lab in order to continue to work on the test. The veterinary lab technicians will introduce different sets of chemicals into your pet's blood. These help to point out the levels of T3 and, in this case in particular, T4 in your dog's blood. By comparing those levels against normal levels of T4 readings in the blood of dogs of a similar age, breed and gender, the technicians can determine if your pet is suffering from abnormal thyroid hormone levels.

Treating Hypothyroidism

There are a number of ways to go about treating hypothyroidism if you receive a T4 test back that confirms the presence of this condition in your pet. First, you can supplement your pet with hormonal supplements that give him extra T3 and T4. This brings the levels of those hormones up in his body and helps him to have normal body functions once again. You can also change his diet, exercise patterns and other lifestyle elements. It's crucial that you keep a close eye on your pet's T4 levels if he has hypothyroidism, in order to be sure that he continues to live a happy and healthy life.

