Tips for Cat Allergy Relief

Cat allergy symptoms can be relieved using different drugs, allergy shots or homeopathic remedies. The most upsetting symptoms of allergies include itchy skin that leads to constant scratching, chewing and licking of the skin and coat. This in turn leads to infections and hair loss. The cat might also experience dermatitis, runny nose, sneezing, coughing or difficulty breathing, watery discharges from the eyes and discolored mucous membranes. All of these symptoms can be alleviated by pinpointing the cause of the allergic reactions and applying suitable treatment. The most common causes of feline allergies are inhalant allergens, food, parasites or different materials the cat comes in contact with. Here are some tips for cat allergy relief.

Eliminate Allergens

Avoidance or eliminating the allergen is by far the most effective way of relieving cat allergies.

Monitor your cat and see the periods when he displays allergic reactions. You must be aware that food allergies occur several days after the ingestion of the culprit food.

If you suspect a certain allergen, try removing it from the cat’s environment or diet and see if the cat’s allergies persist. Remove one possible allergen at a time. Skin or blood testing can also determine the allergen.

Unfortunately, you cannot eliminate airborne allergens such as pollen, grass or dust, but you can reduce your pet’s exposure to these.

Parasite Treatment

Cats can be allergic to components of flea saliva. Other parasites that can cause allergies are ticks and mites.

In case your cat has parasites, get some parasite shampoos, powders or drops and to eliminate them. Use preventive measures against fleas. A flea collar can keep the fleas at a distance.

Frequent Baths and Hypoallergenic Shampoo

Some allergens can be absorbed through the skin pores, so frequent baths can reduce the allergic reactions.

Use hypoallergenic shampoos that are specially created for felines. You can rinse your cat with apple vinegar, which can eliminate the itchiness sensation. Groom your cat every second day to remove dirt from his fur and skin, and bathe your cat once per week.

Immunity Boosters

An allergic cat has a weak immune system. By boosting your pet’s immunity, you can avoid allergies or diminish the intensity of the symptoms.

Get fatty acid supplements, fish oil or flaxseed oil, and some antioxidants.

Natural herbs such as echinacea or licorice root can strengthen your pet’s immunity. Add extracts to your cat’s food.


Medication can relieve allergy symptoms. The most common allergy drugs are antihistamines and steroids. However, these drugs have side effects and should be considered only as short term treatment.


Immunization or the administration of allergy shots is an effective long term treatment. Consult with your vet to identify the allergen and decide on a treatment plan. Unfortunately, allergy shots are effective only for inhalant allergies. Food and contact allergies should be treated with different medication.


Topical ointments can reduce itchiness and can be used as sole treatment in light cat allergy cases. Apply some creams that contain steroids, antibiotics or natural ingredients. Make sure your cat doesn’t lick the cream off.

