Tips for Preventing Common Cat Diseases

Cat diseases are ailments that develop in pets of all age groups and breeds. The type disease that affects cats may be categorized as contagious diseases and metabolic illnesses. The causes of diseases are attributed to viruses, bacteria and organ failure. Genetics and birth abnormalities also predispose cats to various health conditions. Since certain medical conditions are more common, pet owners should adopt preventive measures to safeguard cats from viral diseases or infectious agents that cause permanent body damage and even death.

Common Cat Diseases Include:

Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus in Cats

Although diabetes mellitus cannot be completely prevented, cats should be fed diets suited to their age and underlying health concerns. Since obese cats are at greater risk of developing diabetes, it’s important to regularly exercise the cat and feed diets, rich in essential nutrients and moderate in fats. Pet owners should also read food labels before purchasing cat food products to determine if carbohydrates and proteins are present in adequate amounts. Diabetes, if detected in the early stage can be managed with dietary modification. It’s thus best to conduct routine vet checks along with blood tests to assess the overall health of the pet.

Prevention of Urinary Tract Disease in Cats

Urinary tract disease in cats can often cause emergency situation such as urethral obstructions. In order to protect cats from urinary diseases, pet owners should clean litter boxes daily to reduce the risk of infection. Most cat food products contain ingredients that prevent the formation of urinary stones. If the pet has suffered from urinary stones in the past, it’s important to feed diets that increase urine acidity. Pet owners should also ensure that the cat consumes sufficient water daily. A combination of wet and dry food may also be ideal for this purpose.

Prevention of Respiratory Diseases in Cats

In order to protect cats from upper respiratory diseases, pet owners should administer vaccines on time. Vaccines for feline calcivirus and feline rhinotracheitis virus should begin as early as 9 week of age. Apart from vaccinating pets, pet owners should ensure hygienic surroundings to completely protect cats from viral agents. Sick cats should be kept away from healthy pets and food and water bowls should be disinfected to reduce contamination. Cats lodged at boarding facilities should have individual units with separate food and water bowls to avoid contact with other pets.

Prevention of Kidney Dysfunction in Cats

Although certain factors that cause kidney disease cannot be controlled, certain preventive measures can avoid kidney disease or renal failure in cats. Pet owners should always read medication labels to avoid overdosing the pet. Since toxicity or ingestion of poisonous substances causes kidney damage, it’s best to discard medication and topical solutions appropriately. In addition, dog medication shouldn’t be used on cats as the dosage differs. Cats should be encouraged to consume water either by flavoring the water or by using wet food. Diets low in potassium can also cause renal problems in pets. Pet owners should hence read food labels and feed diets that consist of high quality ingredients. Food should also be free from additives, preservatives and dyes.

Since cats are susceptible to other diseases that include the skin, gastrointestinal tract and vital organs, its best to conduct vet checks, fecal exams and blood tests periodically to detect any health concerns. Routine exercise and a healthy diet also increase the cat’s quality of life.

