How to Treat Your Dog with Scabies

Scabies in dogs, which is also known as Canine Scabies or the Coptic Mange, is caused by parasites known as Sarcoptic Mites. These types of microscopic mites usually invade the skin areas of healthy dogs and puppies and create many types of skin problems. The most common type of problem associated with these parasites is the loss of hair and severe itching. While these parasites do infect other types of animals, and sometimes even humans, they are usually more prevalent on dogs. Fortunately, however, there are several types of treatment that are effective for this type of disease and the disease can usually be easily controlled.

Symptoms of Canine Scabies

While symptoms vary, the most common are hair loss and severe itching in on your dog. Most of the time these mites attack the ears, armpits, hocks, chest and belly of the dog; furthermore, the parasites prefer areas of the dog that have less hair. However, as the infection grows, it can spread over the entire body. Often, small red pustules will develop along with yellow crusts on the skin.

Because dogs love to scratch in these infected areas, the skin soon becomes even more sore and infected from the scratching. Dogs in warm weather seem to be much more affected than dogs and cooler places. If left untreated, the skin may become permanently darker due to the constant irritation, and lymph nodes in the area may become enlarged.

Common Canine Scabies Treatments

There are many different methods and ways to treat scabies. In the past, many people found it effective to simply clip the hair of the dog, if the dog had long hair, and then bathe the dog with a benzyl-based peroxide shampoo or other cleanser to clean the skin. Thereafter, the dog was subjected to organophosphate or lye sulfate dips.

The type of treatment usually involves dipping the dog once every two weeks or so for two or three times. These types of treatments are very effective; however, they can be quite unpleasant for both the owner and the dog. Also, the dipping solution must come in contact with the face and ears of the dog-so extreme care must be used when using the dip around the face and ears of your canine friend. Furthermore, these types of dips can be toxic to human and are not usually suitable for young puppies or dogs that suffer from other diseases.

In recent years, there have been several other products developed that have proven to be extremely effective, safe, and convenient in treating canine scabies. Products such as Revolution are one such product; Revolution is a topical solution that is usually applied once a month and also provides good heartworm prevention and flea control. In addition, products like Revolution and Frontline Plus also help to control ticks. Both of these products are have proven to be very effective in helping control many common skin ailments for dogs-including canine scabies.

Other Canine Scabies Considerations

In addition to treating your dog for the mange, or canine scabies, you may wish to treat the dog's sleeping area with a residual insecticide. Sarcoptic Mites easily spread between all types of animals; therefore, you should make sure to treat any areas that your dog frequently lies down or naps in as well. You should continue to treat these areas for a period of four weeks or so to ensure that all of mites have been killed.

