Treating a Flea Problem in Apartment Units

If you have a flea problem in your apartment, you need to control the problem at the earliest so that you don't have a full blown flea infestation in your home. Fleas are parasites that carry a lot of infections. Once they attach themselves to the pet's body they can transmit all types of diseases. They can also bite humans and cause a lot of itching. You should therefore consider using an all round approach to completely get rid of the flea problem in your apartment.

Treating the Home

Since fleas lay eggs all over the house, you will need to vacuum and steam clean the carpets so that the eggs are completely destroyed. Consider buying flea bombs and setting them off in all the rooms in your home. If you plan to set off flea bombs, you and your pets will have to leave the apartment for a few hours and get the rooms aired out once you return.

You could also buy flea sprays to spot treat specific areas in your apartment. Since these sprays contain a lot of harmful pesticides and chemicals, exert caution when using them in your home. Consider buying pet friendly products that won't harm your pets or your children.

Treating Your Plants

If you've purchased certain potted plants, consider using horticulture oil on the leaves to completely eliminate flea and tick problems. You should also prevent your pet from roaming outdoors among plants and trees, because he will quickly pick up fleas from such areas.

Treating the Pet

Apart from killing live fleas in the apartment, you will also have to kill fleas that have latched onto the pet's body. Flea dips and other flea shampoos are ideal, particularly if the infection is severe. Make sure you read and follow all the instructions listed on the product you purchase. Don't let any product come in contact with the dog's eyes, nose, mouth and genitals. You should also brush the pet daily to look for flea dirt, and use monthly topical flea preventive treatments to keep infections under control.

Commercially Available Flea Control Formulas Include:

  • Frontline Plus
  • K9 Advantix
  • ProMeris for dogs
  • Sentinel 
  • Bio Spot for Dogs

Managing Flea Infestations

Since fleas can multiply in a few weeks, infestations are quite common. If the apartment is completely infested you will have to consider hiring professional exterminators to thoroughly get rid of the fleas and their eggs. Although you will have to leave your home for a day or two, it is well worth the time and money spent, particularly if the flea problem has gotten out of control.

If you have two or more pets living in the same house you will have to treat all the pets, even if only one of them is suffering from an active flea infection.

