Treating an Allergy to Pet Hair

An allergy to pet hair is typically due to the different substances that may be present on the pet hair (i.e., pollens or dander). If you are suffering from allergies and you suspect the pet hair is the culprit allergen, there are a few treatment and management options.

Pet Allergies

You may think you are allergic to pet hair, but as a matter of fact, you're actually allergic to the substances present on the dog hair. Human allergies to pets are mainly caused by dander, which is dead skin composed of different substances, including a glycoprotein that causes the actual allergies. Dead skin tags may be present on the end of each pet hair and this can be causing allergic reactions. In addition, pets often wander outside and come in contact with dirt, dust, pollens and other materials, so you could be allergic to these.

Conventional Treatment Options

The conventional treatment options include:

  • Antihistamines, administered to keep the allergy symptoms at bay and will be effective as long as the drugs are administered.
  • Corticosteroids, applied topically or internally, will reduce irritation and swelling and will also inhibit the immune system. The immune system produces the histamines that cause the symptoms of allergy to pet dander.
  • Allergy shots, if effective, are the most recommended because they can train the immune system and make it less sensitive to pet hair and other allergens.

You may not respond to some treatments, so trials may be needed to establish the best type of treatment.

Alternative Treatments

To manage allergies to pet dander and hair, there are a number of alternative treatments that focus on increasing your immunity. The immune system is to blame for the allergic reactions. Increasing your immunity will help you become more resistant to different environmental factors. Choose from:

  • Herbal remedies such as burdock root (a natural corticosteroid)
  • Homeopathic remedies
  • Aromatherapy, which aims at reducing stress and improving the immune system functions
  • Stress management, which can be done through therapy or by changing your lifestyle

Ground Rules

If you have a pet you will have to establish a few ground rules, which will make your life easier and diminish the allergic reactions. Keep your pet away from your bedroom. This is the area where you spend at least ¼ of your life and if this is pet hair and dander free, you will reduce the allergies dramatically. The pet can shed less hair and dander if you employ shampoos and soap products that won't increase skin flakiness. Always choose products that are well tolerated by your pet. Tidy your home at least twice per week, making sure to remove pet hair and dander. This will eliminate the possibility of you inhaling these allergens. If you perform the cleaning, wear a protective mask or if you are severely allergic, get someone to do the cleaning for you.

