Treating Coccidiosis in Dogs with Diclazuril

Diclazuril is a drug used to treat coccidia, or coccidiosis, in dogs. Coccidiosis is a parasitic infection that is said to be one of the most common diseases to affect a dog's intestines in the United States and Canada. Since this organism is opportunistic, dogs that are kept in close quarters (like in kennels) are more likely to catch and pass coccidiosis to other canines in the building.

Coccidiosis Explained

Several different kinds of protozoa parasites can cause coccidiosis. A dog can become infected with it if he comes in contact with feces that contain the parasitic eggs. Sometimes a dog can also acquire it when he drinks water that's contaminated with the eggs. How the infection is handled depends on the dog; some handle coccidiosis well as it only causes a minor stomach ache, while others become fatally ill. The danger of coccidiosis in dogs is due to the parasite's ability to rapidly multiply within the gastrointestinal system.

A dog with coccidiosis will have watery and possibly bloody diarrhea. Coccidiosis can also cause a dog to strain to relieve himself and his stool can have mucous. Other symptoms of coccidiosis include a loss of appetite, weight loss, dehydration, muscle tremors and convulsions. The organisms that cause coccidiosis have been known to form tumors in the walls of a dog's intestines, too. Needless to say, the sooner a dog is treated for coccidiosis, the better off he'll be. Veterinarians often prescribe diclazuril to treat coccidiosis in dogs.

Treating Coccidiosis with Diclazuril

Diclazuril is a benzeneacetonitrile derivative that is often used as an oral suspension medication. It has been reported that scientists don't exactly know why this medicine is so successful at treating coccidiosis, as it doesn't kill the actual protozoa, but they have seen that it doesn't allow dogs to shed parasitic eggs when infected. Therefore, the cycle of the parasitic colony living within a dog eventually comes to a stop. The use of this medication can also reduce the amount of intestinal lesions that the protozoa parasites may cause in a dog.

Prevention is typically the first step in treating many illnesses, including coccidiosis. A veterinarian may suggest a pet owner give a dog diclazuril before and during a period of time in which a dog may be staying in a kennel. Some studies have shown that animals that take diclazuril can get a boost in their immunity against intestinal protozoa.

Treatment of coccidiosis through the use of diclazuril has produced little to no side effects. It has even been found that diclazuril has therapeutic effects for up to five days after a dog has stopped taking the medicine. However, as a precaution, it's advised the diclazuril not be used to treat an outbreak of coccidiosis in dogs.

Coccidiosis is an infection that can cause little to no symptoms in some dogs, and can be fatal to others. If a dog shows signs of a parasitic infection, it's best to take him to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible so he can receive treatment for his condition.

