Treating Dog Allergies with Vitamins

When treating dog allergies you will have to address the pet’s symptoms and you will also have to make sure that the weaker immune system of your dog is being taken care of. Many traditional medications such as antihistamines and steroids will only diminish the allergy symptoms, but will not strengthen the pet’s immunity. Vitamins can be used to boost the dog’s immunity and improve his reactions to allergens in the long run.

Dog Allergies

Dog allergies manifest when the immune system detects an irritant and tags it as a threat, starting to produce inflammatory cells. The dog will start displaying symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, itchy skin or fatigue. Dogs with a strong immune system rarely develop allergic reactions. Some dog breeds are more likely to have allergic reactions. The irritants are often substances the dog inhales or penetrate his skin, such as grasses, pollens, dust mites, chemicals, feathers, metals or synthetic fabrics. Dogs may also be allergic to parasites such as fleas or food.

Treating Dog Allergies

Dog allergies can be treated with several types of traditional and alternative treatment such as:

  • Antihistamines, which reduce swelling and itchiness
  • Steroids, which suppress the activity of the immune system, so the allergy symptoms will also disappear
  • Acupuncture
  • Homeopathic treatment
  • Herbs
  • Vitamins and other supplements

Typically, the conventional treatments will only keep the allergy symptoms at bay, while the alternative medicine will focus on improving the dog’s immune system, which is responsible for the allergic reactions in the first place.

The Purpose of Vitamins for Dogs with Allergies

The purpose of vitamins for dogs with allergies is to stave off the symptoms of the allergies, but will also help in the long run to boost immunity, so the dog will have fewer allergic reactions in the future.

Vitamins for Canine Allergies

The vitamins recommended for dogs with allergies include:

  • Vitamin A, which contains beta carotene and is an antioxidant that can help in reducing allergies
  • Vitamin B complex, which can boost immunity and improve the health of the skin
  • Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and can reduce swelling and itchiness
  • Vitamin E, essential for the dog’s skin, supporting also the immune system. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant.

Consult your vet for a right dosage and make sure you won’t administer these vitamins in higher amounts than prescribed, as some vitamins may not be water soluble (e.g. vitamin A and E) and may cause toxicity if in excess. Administer the vitamins together with the dog’s food. In addition to vitamins, your vet may also recommend other supplements such as omega fatty acids.

Effectiveness of Vitamins for Allergies

The reaction of dogs will vary; each dog will have a different response to vitamins. However, most dogs will show an improvement and fewer allergic reactions following a cure of vitamins. Most vets will recommend combining the vitamin treatment with a conventional treatment, as the effect of the vitamins will not be immediate.

