Treating Dog Depression with Prozac

Dog depression may commonly occur in pets due to different events, diseases, loss of a companion, loneliness, boredom or chemical imbalance. The depression may be a transitory condition, however if the depression persists, you need to seek medical advice. Prozac can be used to treat depression in dogs.

Detect Dog Depression

Dogs with depression will have a change in their behavior. An energetic dog will be quieter and lethargic.

The following symptoms may also point to depression:

  • Lack of appetite and weight loss
  • More sleeping hours
  • No interest in activities or playing
  • Hair loss
  • Constipation
  • Irritability when not left alone

These symptoms may be indicative of other medical conditions, so visit the vet is the symptoms persist for more than a week.

Treating Depression

Depression in dogs can be treated. Sometimes, the dog only needs more attention from the owner and he will get back to his normal cheery mood.

If your dog is depressed because he is lonely, opt for a pet sitter a few hours per day. Get a new play mate, if your dog has lost an old companion.

In case your dog is affected by depression due to a disease, treating the underlying condition will cure the depression also.

Exercise may also prevent or heal depression.

However, if the depression is persistent, the vet will recommend medication. Prozac, Valium or phenobarbital are the most common anti-depressants prescribed to dogs.

Prozac for Depression

Prozac, also known as fluoxetine hydrochloride or reconcile is an anti-depressant that has fewer side effects than other anti-depressants. Fluoxetine hydrochloride is included in the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medications (SSRI).

Side Effects of Prozac

Unlike other anti-depressants, Prozac will not cause extreme sleepiness. However your dog may show any of the following side effects:

  • Vomiting
  • Drowsiness
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhea
  • Whining
  • Irritability
  • Lack of appetite
  • Weight loss

Prozac Contraindications

Prozac is not recommended for dogs with diabetes. Fluoxetine hydrochloride, which is the main ingredient in prozac will cause an increase of the glucose level in the blood, which may be problematic for dogs that already have a high glucose level and the incapacity to assimilate it.

Dogs that are allergic to fluoxetine hydrochloride should not get Prozac.

Consult your vet prior to administrating Prozac for your dog. Prozac may interact with other drugs.

Alternative Depression Remedies

Natural remedies have proven to be effective in boosting the mood of depressed dogs.

Chamomile is a plant that has a soothing effect on dogs. Extracts of ignatia amara, gentian, the star-of-Bethleem and St. John’s wort are also effective natural anti-depressants. Purchase some natural solutions and sprinkle these on your dog’s skin; the aroma will give a positive frame of mind to your dog. Alternatively, get some tinctures containing herb extracts and add these to your pet’s food.

Prozac is an efficient depression medication and should be administered to clinically depressed dogs. Prozac has fewer side effects in dogs than other anti-depressants, so it is preferred by vets.

