Treating Ear Mites in Cats with Pyrethrin Insecticides

If you notice your pet developing flaking or inflamed skin around the ears, or if he appears to be scratching incessantly or suffering from ear pain, he may be experiencing an ear mite infestation. Ear mites in cats are relatively common and spread easily from one animal to another. Although ear mites themselves are not entirely dangerous, left untreated they can cause damage to your pet's hearing and a good deal of pain and discomfort. Pyrethrin insecticides are effective at eliminating mites and lice of all types.

Basics of Cat Ear Mite Treatment with Pyrethrin

Pyrethrin is a powerful insecticide chemical that kills mites, lice and eggs. Typically, Pyrethrin is the primary ingredient in specially formulated shampoos, powders and sprays that are designed for this purpose.

If your cat has ear mites, it is important to first take him to a veterinarian for a thorough examination and diagnosis. Ear mites themselves are not a particularly serious condition. However, the symptoms of an ear mite infestation may be similar to those of more severe and potentially threatening health concerns.

Having made the diagnosis of ear mites, your veterinarian will help you to select a treatment program. Pyrethrin may or may not be an appropriate choice for your cat, depending upon his overall health and the severity of his condition. Additionally, sufficient treatments may exist that are cheaper and easier to use. Pyrethrin is available through a veterinary prescription only, so it is necessary to speak with your vet about the possibility of using a Pyrethrin-based shampoo or other treatment method.

Feline Ear Mites Treatment Procedure

In most cases, your veterinarian will prescribe both a medicated shampoo and a spray or powder to address your pet's ear mites. Begin by washing your cat thoroughly and treating him with the Pyrethrin shampoo. Washing his whole body ensures that you eliminate ear mites that may have spread to other locations. Focus particularly on his ears, but be careful to follow your vet's instructions for bathing his ears. Also, for your safety, it is best to wear protective gloves while handling the shampoo.

Allow your pet to dry and then treat the area in and around his ears with the medicated spray or powder that your veterinarian has provided.

Ear mites are pervasive and difficult to kill, so veterinarians typically advise that you repeat the treatment procedure after a few days. Your cat's condition should improve somewhat after the initial treatment procedure, but a second will be necessary to fully eliminate all of the mites and their eggs from his body.

In severe cases, you may need to repeat the treatment procedure further. However, if you find that two treatments with Pyrethrin shampoo and a medicated spray or powder has not completely addressed your pet's infestation, speak with a veterinarian for further assistance. There is a chance that your pet is experiencing a condition with symptoms similar to ear mite infestation. Generally, Pyrethrin treatments are highly effective against ear mites and other types of parasites living on your pet's skin.

