Treating Feline Diabetic Neuropathy with Methylcobalamin

Methylcobalamin is a type of vitamin that's used to treat cats suffering from feline diabetic neuropathy. Although pets that are obese or genetically predisposed to diabetes mellitus are likely to develop diabetes, felines suffering from prolonged high blood glucose levels often develop diabetic neuropathy. In order to understand the effectiveness of methylcobalamin in cats, it's necessary to know what diabetic neuropathy is and how it can be managed.

Feline Diabetic Neuropathy

Pets suffering from diabetes may eventually show signs of lameness, muscle wasting and weakness in the hind legs. A few cats may also walk on their hocks. These symptoms occur when the nerves are damaged in the hindquarters. Cats may also lose their ability to walk due to the damage caused to the sensory and motor nerves. Pet owners should notice any symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and seek prompt medical care, as this condition can be reversed if treated in time. Methylcobalamin is a supplement used to alter the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and control tissue degeneration.


Methylcobalamin is a kind of vitamin B12 that's administered in the methyl form. Other vitamin B supplements may not treat diabetic neuropathy if they aren't formulated in the methyl form. Although methylcobalamin is made available if the body breaks down cobalamin, methylcobalamin should be administered in the right form to benefit pets. Methylcobalamin supplements promote healthy nerves and brain function, and hence treat pets suffering from damaged nerves or motor cells due to hyperglycemia. The dosage is best prescribed by the vet. Most pet owners administer 3 to 5 mg of methylcobalamin daily. Several pets suffering from diabetes are administered Xobaline, which is available in tablet form and contains methylcobalamin.

Treatment with Methylcobalamin Supplements

Most cats respond favorably to methylcobalamin within a few weeks of initial administration. Since methylcobalamin is formulated for use in humans, it's best to talk with the vet about the benefits of methylcobalamin supplementation for individual pets. Cats suffering from renal failure also require lower doses of methylcobalamin to prevent complications. Since human formulations for methylcobalamin contain added ingredients, it's important to read package labels to determine if any potentially toxic substances are present. Cats in particular are sensitive to xylitol, an ingredient present in human supplements. Along with dietary supplementation, pet owners should monitor diabetic pets closely, to determine sudden fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

Tips for Pet Owners:

  • Perform a medical check to determine if the leg weakness is caused due to low potassium levels.
  • Administer diabetes medication on time and feed the cat diet food that helps control blood glucose.
  • Obese pets should be exercised regularly to promote weight loss and alter high blood glucose levels.
  • A glucometer is helpful as a tool to check cat blood glucose levels at home.
  • Notice any unusual symptoms associated with diabetes to initiate early treatment.
  • Schedule follow up vet checks to determine response to methylcobalamin supplementation.

Since various pet owners find methylcobalamin a useful supplement for feline neuropathy, it's best to begin dietary supplementation to determine if individual pets respond positively. Increasing research studies are also establishing the benefits of methylcobalamin for the treatment of other medical concerns present in both cats and dogs.

