Treating Flea Bites on Cats with Adulticides

Flea bites cause excessive itching and increase the pet’s susceptibility to diseases such as tapeworm infections, hookworms and roundworms. Fleas also cause flea allergy dermatitis due to flea saliva that comes in contact with the cat’s skin and results in redness and hypersensitivity. Cats can now be treated for fleas with several treatment options such as flea shampoos, flea dips and flea adulticides that help bring relief and prevent re-infection in pets.

Household Flea Adulticides

Household adulticides are effective to treat the surroundings and the home as they kill adult fleas. The solutions should be diluted and sprayed on areas such as carpets, yards and areas inside the house. Although there are several commercial adulticides available for use, some solutions aren’t safe for use around cats. Pet owners should read labels and check the quantity of permethrin present in the solution.

Treating Cats with Adulticides

Cats have very sensitive skin in comparison to most other pets. It’s important to remember that commercial medications formulated for dogs shouldn’t be used on cats as the dosage differs and could result in toxicity. Formerly, most medications treated fleas without completely eliminating fleas in all stages of the life cycle. Newer treatments that contain adulticides kill adult fleas and flea larvae within a short period of time and provide pets prompt relief from the symptoms.

Commercial Flea Medications

  • Advantage for Cats
  • ProMeris for cats
  • Bio Spot for cats
  • Frontline Plus for Cats

Using Adulticides

Adulticides such as advantage for cats is safe for use in kittens weighing under 9 lbs and cats weighing over 9 lbs. Pet owners should read and follow package instructions before treating pets with topical flea treatments. Advantage contains imidacloprid that’s gentle and provides prompt relief from flea bites. The active ingredient paralyzes cat fleas and kills them within 12 hours. It also kills flea larvae within 20 minutes thus preventing further infection. The solution should be applied to the skin at the base of the neck between the shoulder blades.

Benefits of Adulticide Flea Treatment

  • The medications are available in applicators that are easy for use.
  • Since treatments such as Advantage are waterproof, they don’t have to be re-applied after bathing.
  • The treatment should be administered only once a month since the medication provides protection for one whole month. 
  • Cats that are infested with fleas or suffer from flea allergy dermatitis benefit from the treatment due to its fast acting formula.

Risks of Adulticides

Although the side-effects of topical solutions are rare, pet owners should follow dosage instructions to avoid overdosing the cat. Adulticides that contain organophosphates are harsh for use on pets. Pet owners only use those adulticides that are labeled for use on cats or kittens. Medications that contain adulticides are generally formulated with ingredients such as fipronil, imidacloprid and selamectin. Certain medicines may also contain insect growth regulators that prevent flea eggs from developing into adult fleas.

Adulticides may not be safe for use on pregnant cats or pets that are already being treated with flea control medicines. It’s necessary to conduct a vet check to rule out underlying conditions and obtain the medication that’s best suited to individual pets.

