Treating Insecticide Poisoning in Cats with Methocarbamol

Methocarbamol, or Robaxin-V, is a prescription drug given to cats to help them deal with muscle tremors as a result of toxicity. Insecticide poisoning in a cat can be dangerous and is usually accidental.

How Cats May Come in Contact with Insecticides

A cat's curiosity can get him in to trouble with more than just his owner. If proper precautions are not taken, a cat can easily get into cupboards or closets that contain insecticides. A cat may poke his head into a bag or box that was absentmindedly left out in the open, not knowing the substance inside is dangerous to his health.

Cats may also come in contact with insecticides when a pet owner has sprayed his yard with the product. In this instance, a cat should be kept away from any area treated with insecticide for a several hours. Many times people will set off a bug bomb in their home to kill pests like ants, fleas or cockroaches, but will neglect to wash a cat's water and food bowl before feeding him.

Many cat owners are surprised to find that cats can be poisoned by flea and tick collars if the cat eats or chews on the accessory. An owner, in an attempt to combat fleas, may apply permethrin, an anti-flea medication, on an area of the cat that he can reach and try to lick clean. A cat may also be poisoned by permethrin when anti-flea medication for dogs is applied onto a cat.

Symptoms of Insect Poisoning in Cats

A cat that has been poisoned with an insecticide will have a distinct change in his behavior. The cat may act paranoid, be irritable, stiff, and tense. Poisoned cats will also salivate profusely, possibly begin vomiting, have a lack of appetite, and will begin to have muscle tremors. Seizures may also occur, followed by death, if the correct treatment is not given.

Methocarbamol (Robaxin-V) for Poisoned Cats

Methocarbamol is a medicine that works as a muscle relaxant that acts on the central nervous system of a cat's brain and has the secondary effect of sedation. This drug cannot only help loosen up tense muscles in a poisoned cat, but also help the cat salivate less and have fewer episodes of diarrhea from the toxin. A veterinarian will prescribe methocarbamol especially if they cat has toxicity from ingesting permethrin.

In addition to sedation, methocarbamol may cause a cat to vomit or salivate. A cat's urine may also be darker after taking the medication, but this is not a cause for concern. One should always let a veterinarian know about any medical conditions a cat has or medications a cat is taking because the sedative properties of methocarbamol can become more extreme if combined with other drugs that cause drowsiness. This medication can also be hazardous to a cat with kidney problems.

The prognosis for a cat that was poisoned by an insecticide is good if he received quick and aggressive treatment. Methocarbamol is often the treatment of choice among vets that treat cats experiencing this type of toxicity.

