Treating Rheumatioid Arthritis in Dogs With Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Rheumatoid arthritis in dogs is an autoimmune disorder that cause stiffness, swelling and inflammation of the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can cause your dog a lot of pain, but you can relieve that pain with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Over the Counter NSAIDs

NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are sold over the counter for human consumption in the form of aspirin. You might be surprised to learn that aspirin can safely take away your dog's arthritis pain, if administered in appropriate doses.

However, never administer an over the counter pain reliever containing acetaminophen, as this can cause liver failure and death in dogs. Play it safe by sticking to regular aspirin.

Finding a Dosage

You might have to tinker a bit to find the aspirin dosage that's just right for your dog's pain needs. Start with five milligrams per pound of your dog's weight, and work your way up to as much as ten milligrams, stopping when you've reached the dosage that relieves your dog's pain.

Tips for Administering Aspirin

Aspirin can relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in dogs, but you'll have to get your dog to eat it! You can wrap the aspirin in a piece of cheese or lunch meat before feeding it to your dog; or, use powdered aspirin and mix it with your dog's food.

When Aspirin Isn't Enough

If aspirin isn't relieving your dog's rheumatoid arthritis pain, or if it isn't working as well as it once was, don't despair. Your vet can prescribe a stronger pain reliever, such as Rymadil, to ease your dog's pain.

