Treatment for a Dog Tick Bite

Dog tick treatment after removing the tick involves cleaning the dog tick bite area and addressing any signs of infection.

Removing Dog Ticks

  • Wear latex gloves to prevent disease from spreading.
  • Use tweezers or a tick scoop to pull the tick out. Grasp the tick by the head; pulling the body may cause the tick to release bacteria and disease and cause the mouth or head to stay in your dog's skin.
  • Pull the tick out firmly with a straight upward motion, with no twisting of the tweezers.
  • Dip the tick in rubbing alcohol or flush it down a toilet to destroy the tick and prevent the spread of disease.

Treating an Infection from a Dog Tick Bite

After removing dog ticks, treat the bite areas with iodine, antiseptic, antibiotic cream or by washing the area with warm, soapy water to prevent infection. All owners must ensure that the head or mouth area of the tick is not lodged in the dog's skin after removal.

Infection symptoms to look out for in the next few days include inflammation, swelling and a rash at the bite area, muscle pain and fatigue due to a reaction to the tick saliva. If the area appears to be infected, treat with hydro-cortisone spray for the next week. If symptoms do not go away take your dog to the vet's office for an antibiotic or other treatment.

