Trimethoprim Side Effects in Dogs

One commonly used drug for relieving the body of bacteria is called trimethoprim. Like all prescription medication there is the risk of side effects when using trimethoprim. Always follow dosing instructions to assure the best experience with trimethoprim for your dog.

To reduce the chances of harmful side effects, trimotheprim is not for dogs who are pregnant or nursing, or dogs who have bladder or kidney stones as well as those with kidney or liver diseases. Dehydrated dogs should not use trimotheprim. If your dog has a blood cell abnormality like anemia, then use trimethoprim with caution and keep a close eye on your dog while he is taking trimethoprim.

Harmless Side Effect

The most common side effect found when treating your dog with trimethoprim is the appearance of sulfa crystals in the urine, which can only be found through testing the urine at your veterinarian's office. This will only become a problem if your dog becomes dehydrated, so make sure to keep an eye on his water source and keep it filled while you are giving him trimethoprim. If you are currently giving your dog any other medication make sure to consult your veterinarian before using trimethoprim, because not all medication mixes well and it may increase the chances of dangerous side effects.

Other Side Effects

A less common side effect of trimethoprim is dry eyes. also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca. This is most common when using trimethoprim as a long-term medication. Some signs that this may be affecting your dog are excessive squinting, redness in the eyes and discharge from the eyes. If any of these symptoms occur within your dog you should stop use of trimethoprim immediately and consult your veterinarian.

Anemia is another rare side effect that has its own wide range of side effects. The most common signs of anemia are pale gums and tiredness, and if anemia is affecting your dog you will also find he has a low platelet level. This will increase the chances of bleeding, a loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting. Anemia can also cause joint inflammation which could lead to lameness, as well as kidney damage which can lead to an increase in thirst and urination.

If your dog shows any of the above mentioned signs you should stop usage of trimethoprim and consult your veterinarian immediately.

Allergic Reactions

Though your dog may remain side effect free while taking trimethoprim, there is also the possibility of allergic reactions. When taking something that the body is allergic to it can cause lasting damage, and irritation on the inside that cannot be seen. Signs of allergic reactions to trimethoprim include hives, facial swelling, sudden diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, cold limbs, scratching, pale gums and coma. If your dog seems to be suffering from any of these symptoms you should contact your veterinarian immediately and stop usingtrimethoprim .

Symptoms of Overdose

Another thing to think about when giving your dog trimethoprim is overdose and toxicity. The signs are similar to those listed above and also include depression and confusion.

