Urinary Food for Cats

Commercially available food for cats is specifically formulated to suit individual pet health concerns. Since several pets suffer from urinary tract disease, it's necessary to feed them diets that help control the condition. Female cats are more susceptible to urinary tract infections, while male pets are likely to develop feline lower urinary tract diseases. Most commercially available cat food products contain ingredients that alter the acidity present in the urine. Urinary diet food also helps prevent the formation of urinary stones, or uroliths, and hence lowers the risk of developing urinary tract diseases.

Feline Urinary Tract Disease

The cause of feline urinary tract disease varies. Bacterial infections, the presence of uroliths and tumors contribute to the development of urinary infection. Most treatment procedures are tailored to treat the cause of urinary infection in cats. However, some pets develop urinary infections due to no known cause. Such symptoms of urinary infection are treated with antibiotic medication, herbal remedies and surgery.

Diet for Feline Urinary Problems

Diet food that increases the acidity of urine is beneficial to pets suffering from feline urinary tract infections. Although urinary acidifiers work to alter the pH balance of the urine, they should be used only after obtaining vet approval, as a combination of diet food and urinary acidifiers could cause adverse reactions such as kidney dysfunction. Pet owners should however ensure that fresh water is easily accessible and food is provided as small meals, several times a day.

Commercially Available Urinary Food for Cats:

  • Pro Plan Urinary Tract Health Formula Adult Cat Food
  • Purina One Cat Food-Urinary Tract Health Formula
  • Purina Veterinary Diets UR St/Ox Urinary Feline Formula Dry
  • Purina One Special Care Urinary Tract Health Formula Cat Food
  • Hill's Prescription Diet Cat Food
  • Pro Plan Extra Care Special Formula for Urinary Tract Health
  • Friskies Special Diet Urinary Tract Health for Cats

Commercial Diet Food

Although commercial diets are effective for pets suffering from urinary disease, it's best to start a new diet plan after prior vet consultation. Pets fed exclusive dry food diets should be given plenty of water to keep them hydrated. Commercial diets can also cure urinary infections to a certain extent. Hill's prescription diets contain ingredients that dissolve urinary stones made up of struvite. However, pets that don't respond favorably to dietary modification require surgical intervention to correct the underlying problem.

Other Treatment Options

Although dietary modification controls chronic urinary tract disorders, surgery is performed to treat cats suffering from potentially life threatening conditions such as urethral obstruction. Antibiotic medication is also necessary to kill bacterial infections present in the urinary tract. Pet owners should understand and notice the symptoms of urinary infections and treat all symptoms in time. It's also important to know the main cause of urinary problems in order to take preventive measures to avoid re-infection. In addition, pets may be administered supplements that maintain a healthy urinary system. Supplements that contain staphysagris and berberis vulgaris in particular promote a healthy urinary tract.

Since cats mask symptoms of illness, pet owners should notice symptoms such as difficulty urinating, blood in the urine and foul smelling urine, and seek prompt medical care.

