What to Do If Your Dog Has Allergies

If your dog has allergies you should know that there are a few things you can do to manage the symptoms and relieve the dog’s discomfort. Sneezing, rashes, excessive itchiness, scaly skin are just a few common allergy symptoms in canines.

Confirm the Diagnosis

If you observe that your dog displays certain symptoms of allergies, you should check with your vet, as the allergy symptoms may be similar to the symptoms of a cold or the symptoms of respiratory infections.

Identify the Allergens

The next step in helping your pet is to identify the allergens. Dogs may be allergic to a number of substances from the environment including dust, mold, smoke, chemicals or pollens.  

Dogs may also be allergic to their own parasites or to the food they eat.

Another possibility is that your dog is allergic to his food bowls or to his bedding.

Blood or skin tests may determine if your dog is allergic to inhalants such as pollens or dust mites and may also detect any possible parasites such as fleas or intestinal parasites.

However, for the food allergies and the contact allergies, testing is the only way to find the allergen. You should eliminate different materials or foods from your dog’s environment or diet and observe his reactions.

If Your Dog Has Inhalant Allergies

If your dog has inhalant allergies you can do a number of things:

  • Reduce your dog’s exposure to the allergens
  • Clean the home to reduce the amount of pollens, dust mites or mold that may irritate the dog
  • Groom your dog, as many inhalant allergies may enter through the dog’s skin pores
  • Get air purifiers that will also clean the air and reduce the dog’s allergies
  • Get suitable treatment: antihistamines, steroids or allergy shots
  • Get some immunity boosters to strengthen your dog and reduce his negative reactions (antioxidants, fatty acids or other vitamins)
  • Eliminate stress factors, as stress may weaken the immune system and intensify the allergic reactions

If Your Dog Has Food Allergies

If your dog is allergic to a certain food, this food should be avoided. There are prescription dog foods made especially for dogs with food allergies. If you have the time, you can prepare the dog food at home and make sure to avoid the ingredients your dog is allergic to.

If Your Dog Is Allergic to Parasites

The only way to treat the allergies is to get rid of the parasites. There are numerous anti flea solutions or shampoos; intestinal parasites may be eliminated with dewormers.

If your dog is allergic to flea bites, you should know that the skin rashes may persist even after the fleas are gone. Allow the skin to heal and find preventive measures to avoid future parasite infestations.

If Your Dog Has Contact Allergies

If your dog is allergic to different materials he comes in contact with, you should eliminate these materials from his environment. Dogs may be allergic to plastic or woolen products, so replace these with ceramic, metallic or cotton materials.

