Why Is Your Cat Throwing Up?

If your cat is throwing up, this may be a sign of an upset stomach or a more severe medical condition. Cats often vomit after eating something different than usual cat food; however, if the vomiting lasts more than 48 hours, you need to detect other possible symptoms that may indicate something more severe.

Throwing up Fur Balls

Cats are clean animals and perform grooming on a daily basis by licking themselves. However, by grooming, the cat ingests significant amounts of hairs, which is often the cause for cats throwing up.

The cat may cough up or throw up the fur balls; even if the sounds made by the vomiting cat are frightening, you should know that fur balls are no cause for worry.

Add more fibers or grass to your cat’s diet to stimulate the assimilation of fur and prevent vomiting induced by fur balls.


A cat that has eaten too much or too quickly will vomit. Keep an eye on your cat’s diet and don’t allow him to swallow food without chewing or eating more than he needs.

Talk to your vet to establish the right amount of food your cat needs, according to his age, health condition and size.

New Diet

Often, vets prescribe a change in the cat’s diet due to different medical conditions or aging.

However, if the change to the new diet is not gradual, the cat will throw up until his digestive system gets used to the new food. Make sure your cat gets enough nutrients if he vomits a lot; prevent dehydration by administering fresh water.

Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal parasites may cause stomach and intestine uneasiness; the cat will vomit and have diarrhea. Identify the parasites in a timely manner and administrate the suitable dewormers.


Vomiting is a symptom of poisoning. Cats may eat toxic things such as plants, chemicals, alcohol, chocolate, human drugs or rat poison.

If you know that your cat has ingested a toxic substance, try to induce vomiting, as this is beneficial to eliminate the poison before it is assimilated by the body.

Gastro-Intestinal Infections

If your cat has gastro-intestinal infections such as gastritis, enteritis or colitis, vomiting will be frequent.

The vomiting will be chronic and accompanied by diarrhea, weakness and dehydration.

Consult the vet for proper treatment.

Bacteria and Fungi

Bacteria and fungi may infect the cat’s stomach and cause vomiting and diarrhea.

The most common fungi that cause stomach infections are the coccidia or an overgrowth of yeast cells.

Heat Stroke

A cat that has spent a lot of time in the sun or inside a hot car may have a heat stroke. Throwing up is among the first symptoms of a heat stroke.

Make sure you reduce the cat’s temperature to normal, before he starts having seizures or enters a coma.

Throwing up in felines may also be caused by some more severe conditions such as ulcers, tumors, thyroid issues, kidney or liver disease.

Call the vet if the throwing up persists for more than 48 hours or if there is blood or mucus in the vomit.

