Yeast Infection in Dogs Feet

A yeast infection in your dog may mean a lot of itchiness and discomfort. The infection may be localized in different parts of the dog’s body including the ears, the genital area or the feet. The yeast infection in dogs is caused by fungi.

Causes of Yeast Infection in Dogs Feet

The yeast infection in canines is caused by fungi; the most common fungus that causes infections is the Candida Albicans, which exists in the dog’s organism; when there is an overgrowth of fungi, this leads to a yeast infection. The infection originates in the dog’s gut and will spread to other parts of the body, most often in the feet, ears or genital area.

The overgrowth of the yeast cells may be caused by different factors including:

  • An extended administration of antibiotics
  • Imbalanced diet, lacking sufficient protein and containing too many carbohydrates
  • Thyroid problems
  • Allergies
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Change in the environmental conditions
  • Weak immune system
  • Certain drugs (i.e. heartworm medication)

Symptoms of Feet Yeast Infection

The typical symptoms of a yeast infection in the dog’s feet include:

  • Itchiness of the skin and feet
  • Excessive scratching
  • Excessive licking of paws
  • Chewing of feet and paws
  • Foul odor of the feet, between the toes
  • Secondary infections caused by bacteria
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • Fatigue
  • Lethargy

Detecting Canine Feet Yeast Infection

A yeast infection may be detected judging by the symptoms and by performing a few tests. A skin scraping test can determine if the itchiness is caused by fungi and the type of fungi.

Treating Yeast Infection in Dogs Feet

The yeast infection located in the dog’s feet may be difficult to treat, as the fungi can be difficult to eliminate. When there is an overgrowth of fungi, these will reproduce at a fast rate.

The yeast infection should be treated starting with balancing the fungi in the dog’s gut. The dog’s diet should be carefully monitored; the dog should also receive some metabolic and digestive enzymes, which will help detoxifying the body and speed up the elimination of the harmful yeasts. To recreate the pH balance in the dog’s gut, you may also administer a few drops of apple cider vinegar in his food or drinking water.

The skin in the feet area should also be treated. Get a sulfur based soap or shampoo and bathe the dog at least 2 times per week until the yeast infection is gone. A diluted solution of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice may also be used externally to eliminate the fungi. If the dog has open wounds due to excessive scratching, you should avoid applying the apple cider solution, as this will cause a lot of pain and irritation. This solution can be used as a rinse, after bathing your dog.

The treatment of feet yeast infection in dogs may last several weeks, due to the fact that fungi will reproduce fast.

Your vet may also recommend a few topical ointments to provide temporary relief for the itchiness.

