5 Easily Treated Cat Symptoms

One of the best ways of identifying a feline disease or condition is through cat symptoms. If he is suffering from a health condition of some type, your pet will likely display certain signs of that disease. Treatment of the disease often depends on addressing both the underlying cause of the trouble as well as the symptoms themselves. The following are some of the most common cat symptoms for a variety of different diseases and a few suggestions for how to treat them.

Loss of Weight or Appetite

Many conditions contribute to a loss of appetite or weight in cats. This symptom can cause a number of related health problems, as your cat may have a compromised immune system and damage to other bodily functions after having lost weight. One easy way to treat your pet's fickle behavior is to experiment with different food types. Cats typically have strong preferences for foods based upon texture and flavor. Adjusting your pet's diet accordingly may encourage him to eat as normal.


Constipation occurs for a variety of reasons, but is usually due to a combination of dehydration and improper diet. Ensure that your pet has an adequate supply of fresh water at all times, and also be careful that he is receiving enough dietary fiber in his food. Encourage him to play and be active. Between these methods, you should be able to resolve your cat's constipation easily.

Itchy and Irritated Skin

Your pet's skin can become irritated when he scratches too much, when he has a parasitic infestation, a bacterial infection or other conditions as well. Anti-histamines are effective at reducing swelling and inflammation. They can also help to control itchiness.


Feline lethargy can be due to a huge variety of diseases, some of which are very mild and others of which may be life-threatening. In some cases, however, you can help to address your pet's lethargy by improving his diet and ensuring that he receives adequate exercise. Obese and overweight cats may be especially prone to periods of lethargy. In these situations, you may find that reducing your pet's weight helps to improve his activity levels.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

Isolated incidences of vomiting and diarrhea are typical in cats. In most of these cases, your cat has eaten something inappropriate or may be dehydrated. Ensure that he is eating all of the food that you've provided and that he does not have access to potentially toxic substances or human food. Be careful also that he has water available to him at all times of the day.

These symptoms are relatively common in cats. Treating the symptoms themselves may be adequate to address the issue at hand, if the case is acute. However, if your pet experiences multiple symptoms simultaneously, or if his condition does not improve with these remedies or persists for more than a few days, take him to a veterinarian for a thorough analysis and diagnosis. Recognizing these symptoms early on is the key to identifying and treating more serious diseases.

