Allergy Medicine for Dogs: 4 Common Prescriptions

When it comes to allergy medicine for dogs, there are four types that are most commonly used. Histamine is the substance that normally causes allergic symptoms, however it is not as potent in dogs as it is in humans. As a consequence, antihistamine therapy for allergy symptoms in dogs may produce limited results.

  • Tavist-Clemastine fumarate - Tavist is frequently used in the treatment of itchy skin in dogs. It is one of the most expensive, but is effective in 30% or more of dogs. The effectiveness increases when given in conjunction with Omega 3 fatty acids. It is usually given twice a day. The main side effect is drowsiness.
  • Hydroxyzine-Atarax - This antihistamine has a small tablet size, which makes it convenient to use in dogs that fight swallowing tablets. Animals who have glaucoma, lung disease heart disease, high blood pressure or enlargement of the prostate should not use Atarax. The medication is usually given 2 to 3 times per day.
  • Chlorpheniramine-chlorTrimeton - This medication is not one of the most effective for use in dogs. It has an extremely bitter taste, so medication refusal can be a definite issue. The medication is usually given 3 times per day.
  • Benadryl-dipehnhydramine - Benadryl is available over the counter in many different cold and allergy medication formulations. Some of these medicines have additional ingredients that may be harmful to your dog. Be very careful never to give your dog a medicine that contains more than one ingredient. The dosage is given every 8 hours and may cause drowsiness.
