What is the Best Alternative Treatment for Cataracts in Dogs?

Cataracts are commonly mistaken as a condition that affects only older dogs, but the onset may be congenital and can develop in dogs as young as a year old. Veterinarians will often need to perform surgery to remove cataracts, but many are investigating alternative treatment for cataracts to combat this debilitating visual condition. There are a number of options that dog owners can try before opting for costly and uncomfortable surgical procedures.


Many dog owners and veterinarians alike have had success slowing and even reversing the damage done from cataracts through a strict adherence to a diet of natural and organic ingredients found in homemade foods. Mixing fresh top-grade meats, along with vegetables high in lutein and beta-carotene (such as carrots and broccoli), into the dog's food will go a long way to creating a healthier meal for your pet.

Vitamins and Dietary Supplements

A nutritious meal rich in vitamins A, C and E will contribute to treating a dog's cataracts. Supplements such as zinc, found in healthy eye tissue, as well as methylsulfonylmethane are also considered to be effective deterrents to the progression of cataracts. There are a number of herbs on the market that can help as well. These include herbs such as burdock, rosemary and bilberry, which is a popular extract often promoted as a strong antioxidant to degenerative eye diseases. Many of these dietary supplements are often used by humans for the same purposes, and their effectiveness with dogs has shown them to be an effective natural therapy.


For some dogs, the cataracts will become irritated and grow more uncomfortable by the animal's surrounding environment. Keeping common eye irritants such as smoke, dust and aerosol chemicals out of his area will go a long way to making your pet more comfortable. Eye washes are a popular option as well, such as those made with celandine tea, which will help soothe the cataracts. The dog's own coat could also irritate the eyes, so dog owners who own breeds with long hair around the eyes and face may want to consider trimming around that area to prevent any hairs getting into their eyes, to prevent making the discomfort worse.


If all else fails to slow the progression of the dog's cataracts, surgery will likely be the only option. With the advances in medical technology, the procedures to skillfully remove cataracts of the eye are becoming more commonly practiced and a variety of methods are available. Depending on the severity of the cataract, the veterinarian will analyze the type of procedure that best suits the medical condition of your dog. Diabetic or elderly dogs are usually not considered the best candidates for this type of surgery. Holistic therapies are more important for those animals, which will have to live with their uncomfortable cataracts for the rest of their life.

