Antianxiety Medication for Excessive Cat Urinating

Sometimes a cat urinating in a place other than the litter box is a sign of stress or separation anxiety. Sometimes a cat may try to get the attention of its owner by urinating outside of the litter box to show that he is not well, perhaps with a urinary infection or something worse, or as a way to mark territory or because the cat is anxious.

Symptoms of Anxiety

A cat under chronic stress can have a weakened immune system since the "fight or flight" chemicals are constantly in his bloodstream, making him susceptible to disease and/or illness. Cats feeling anxiety will exhibit drastic behavior changes: pacing, excessive grooming, loss of appetite, meowing, vomiting, shyness, clawing, apathy, trembling, weight loss, loss of affection and urination and/or defecation outside of the litter box.

Treatment for anxiety is important as well as eliminating the source of the anxiety, especially for cats that are easily "spooked". Cats can also experience separation anxiety.

Marking Territory

Sometimes a cat urinates to mark territory. Determine if the spot that has been urinated on is "new" to the cat. If something has been changed, such as new furniture has been added or a new cat, or if the cat has been "ignored", he will mark his territory or remind his owner of his presence. If another cat has been added to the household, then another litter box may also have to be added. The litter box may also be in a place unacceptable to the cat and may have to be moved. If the litter box or the litter is new, the solution may be just to re-train the cat. The use of new litter means training cats to use it. To train a cat to use the litter box takes some time and patience. If none of these situations are the cause of a cat urinating inappropriately, a visit to the veterinarian for a physical examination may be in order to eliminate any urinary tract infections as the source of this behavior.

Antianxiety Drugs

Antianxiety drugs and pheromones can be used to treat feline anxiety. Most drugs work by changing the serotonin or dopamine levels in the bloodstream: clonmipramine, amitriptyline (elavil), fluxetine (reconcile, prozac), alprazolam or buspirone hydrochloride (buspar). Medications are designed to be administered once a day. However, the urination misbehavior usually resumes when the medication is stopped. Blood tests are also needed to monitor any liver problems that may arise in the prolonged use of these medications.


Feliway mimics feline pheromones, which is a substance produced by cats in glands on their cheeks to rub on surfaces as another way to mark their territory. Since it is a natural and familiar substance to the cat, it can help reduce anxiety and therefore the territorial behavioral problem to mark. It is sprayed on surfaces rather than administered to the cat as a medication. It may take up to 1 month to produce any results. Herbal treatments for feline anxiety include: Passiflora incarnata, argentum nitricum, scutellaria laterifolia, and Kalium phosphate.


