Ascriptin for Dogs

Ascriptin for dogs is a variation on the common human medication aspirin. The formulation of the medicine is largely the same between human and animal versions, and it's possible to treat your pet accurately and effectively with a human formulation of the medicine. Ascriptin stands alongside Bufferin, Bayer Aspirin and other brand name label drugs in its ability to relieve pain and inflammation caused by a wide variety of different sources.

Ascriptin Overview

Ascriptin is a drug that has the active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid. This type of acid is classified as a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug, or an NSAID. NSAIDs work by inhibiting the synthesis of a chemical called prostaglandin in your pet's system. This chemical is responsible for inflammation and pain when it bonds to receptor cells throughout parts of your pet's body. Without as much prostaglandin in your pet's system in the first place, it will be less likely that your pet will suffer from inflammation and other related problems.

Ascriptin also has the benefit of preventing blood from clotting properly. While this can be a negative side effect of the medicine, in some cases it will actually help to serve as the primary goal of the dosing.

Using Ascriptin for Your Pet

Ascriptin and other forms of aspirin are only available for veterinary use through a prescription. While it's possible to purchase the same medicine for human use over the counter, you should not give your pet any of this medicine without first checking in with a vet. The reason for this is that aspirin of any type is not necessarily the best way to treat your pet's pain, and dosing the medicine can be very difficult.

Ascriptin typically comes packaged as a tablet medicine. This can be ground up in the proper amount and mixed in with your pet's food, or it can be given along with a food treat. The exact amount of the medicine that you'll give to your pet will be dependent upon his overall weight and size as well as a number of other factors, including other health conditions he may have and the severity of his pain and inflammation.

Risks and Side Effects of Ascriptin

It's important to let your vet know about any other health issues that your pet may have and any other medicines that he's taking. This is because Ascriptin can interact negatively with some of these other medicines and health problems. Some of the most common side effects of Ascriptin include the following:

  • Vomiting (including blood, potentially)
  • Diarrhea
  • Black or tarry colored stool
  • Intestinal discomfort
  • Thinning of the blood
  • Anemia
  • Weight loss or loss of appetite

Because of the increased risk of side effects as the usage of the medicine goes up, it's generally not advised that you treat your pet with Ascriptin for an extended period of time. Work closely with your vet to monitor your pet's reaction to the medicine, and be sure to reduce the treatment as recommended by the vet.

