Basic Dog Food Supplement Science

The use of the dog food supplement is becoming more popular among pet owners. The importance of dogs’ diets has been widely recognized by veterinarians and dog owners alike. It can have a great effect on your dog’s health and a good diet could help prolong his life by several years. If your dog is eating the same diet all the time, you might want to consider giving him supplements just to make sure his nutritional intake is balanced and healthy.

How Supplements Can Help

Supplements add certain vitamins, minerals and nutrients to your dog’s diet that might not be present already. If dogs do not get enough of a certain nutrient then they might develop symptoms of a deficiency or even malnutrition. Supplements can also help your dog overcome an illness or allergy and boost its energy levels if he is feeling lethargic.

The following areas can be helped by the use of supplements:

  • Arthritis
  • Allergies
  • Excess weight
  • Digestive problems
  • Problems with the skin
  • Problems with the coat
  • Dental health
  • Calcium deficiencies

Suitable Supplements for Your Dog

The kind of supplements your dog might need will depend on his breed. For instance, larger dogs are more likely to benefit from supplements that encourage healthy joints as the extra weight they put on their bones each day causes more stress than it would in a smaller dog.

Supplements that are good for joints include glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate. As well as nutrients that will tackle the problem directly, for dogs with joint problems other supplements like L-carnitine might also help. This particular supplement will help your dog stay trim which will induce less stress on its bones and joints.

Certain breeds can be prone to certain genetic conditions so it may benefit your dog to tailor his supplement intake to try and help prevent specific ailments from developing in the future.

As your dog grows older, its nutritional needs will change. For instance, older dogs sometimes have trouble digesting food properly. In this situation, a digestive enzyme supplement might help that problem.

Are Supplements Safe?

It is perfectly safe to give your dog supplements but it is important to remember that every dog is different and so every animal will have slightly different nutritional needs. It is crucial to do some research on your dog’s particular breed and be aware of any medical conditions they might have which could affect their nutritional needs.

If given in excess, supplements can overdose your dog’s system with a certain substance and could do your dog more harm than good. Therefore, it is important to make sure you research your pet’s needs carefully before giving it any supplements. If you have any doubts or questions about whether your dog needs to be taking a particular supplement, ask your vet for more advice.

Supplements are a great way of ensuring your dog is healthy and happy as long as they are used in the right way. Research is important but, in the long-term, supplements could be very beneficial to your dog’s health.

