Bloating and Gas Problems in Dogs

Dogs often suffer from bloating and gas problems that can be easily controlled. Bloating in dogs is also known as Gastric Dilation-Volvulus. This dilation of the stomach can occur with or without twisting or torsion of the stomach. Flatulence on the other hand, is the accumulation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract and if it’s prolonged or excessive, it can make your pet very uncomfortable.


Bloating is very common in dogs with large chests, such as Dobermans, Great Danes and German Shepherds, and is caused by the accumulation of gas and fluid in the stomach. The enlarged stomach can obstruct the veins in the abdomen and result in hypotension and shock. If this is accompanied by the dilation of the stomach, it can also trap air, food and water in the stomach. The result can be fatal and you should seek medical help immediately. Older dogs and male dogs are more susceptible to bloating. Moreover, dogs that eat their food rapidly, exercise immediately after eating and pets that are nervous, anxious or fearful are more likely to suffer from bloating.

Symptoms of Bloating

Diagnosis and Treatment

The vet will conduct a physical examination, understand the dog’s medical history and take blood samples to diagnose the condition. Antibiotics and pain killers are administered and if needed, the air in the stomach is removed with the help of a stomach tube or a needle. If volvulus is present, surgery might be necessary to reposition the stomach and identify any damage caused to the stomach and adjoining organs. It also helps to suture the stomach and prevent a recurrence of torsion.

Prevention of Bloating

Dogs should be fed 2 or 3 times a day and shouldn’t be exercised after meals. In addition, pets with a tendency to bloat shouldn’t be given water immediately after a meal or fed from an elevated position.


Dogs of all ages and breeds can suffer from flatulence and the cause of flatulence is almost always related to the diet. Some dogs eat their food fast and gulp in air along with the food which in turn causes flatulence. Besides this, if a dog is fed a poor quality diet that consists of scraps, beans, sprouts or cheap dog food, he might develop wind problems.

Symptoms of Flatulence

  • Discomfort
  • Pain in the abdomen:
  • Belching
  • Passing of wind
  • Bloating

Prevention of Flatulence

If your pet develops a habit of gulping down his food, try to feed him smaller meals at regular intervals instead of 2 or 3 large meals. Also feed him the best quality food and if possible raw and unprocessed food products. Avoid exposure to chemicals and toxins such as pesticides and cigarette smoke.

Also, ensure that your pet has plenty of filtered water and regular exercise to keep flatulence at bay.

