4 Ways to Calm Barking Puppies

If you have barking puppies, it's important to start training as soon as possible before they develop a habit that will be harder to stop. As with adult dogs, barking is usually an indicator of an underlying problem, which is imperative to fix before the barking will stop.

1. Ignore It

Most puppies are barking for attention. If you give your puppy attention when he barks, the barking will continue. Don't yell at him, talk to him or look at him. Don't pick him up or put your hand around his mouth. All of these responses are rewarding to your puppy.

Instead, stand still and calmly ignore your dog, leave the room or put your dog in timeout. If you choose to leave the room, do so quietly and close the door. Return when your dog is quiet and reward him with attention. If you choose to put him in timeout, leave a thin, short leash on him while you are home. If he barks, grab the leash and move him, without touching or talking, to his timeout place. Let him out when he stops barking.

2. Prevent Over-Arousal

Puppies need to learn young how to calm themselves. You can help them learn by only allowing them they love when they are calm. Make them sit and calmly wait at the door before beginning a walk. Make them sit and wait before putting down the food bowl.

This is important for barking puppies because puppies bark when they are over-aroused. Thus, you want to teach them calm behaviors. When playing, make them take breaks if they are barking. Only throw the toy when they are calm. End all games if they bark or nip by dropping the toy and leaving the room.

Keeping a leash on them when you are home and using timeouts for rowdy puppies is also very effective.

3. Ease Anxiety

If your puppy is barking because he is afraid, that's good information. This means he needs more proper socialization. For example, if he is barking at skateboards, take him outside and stay at a safe distance from skateboarders. You should be far enough that he notices but does not bark. Reward him for looking away from the skateboard and turning to you for only a second.

As the skateboard gets closer, increase the treats. If he starts barking, walk calmly away from the stimulus until he can focus on you again. Start training again at that point. Don't ever punish anxiety. Just train your dog that he has nothing to fear.

Move slowly. If your dog is reacting during sessions, you are moving too fast.

4. Put Barking on Command

If your puppy barks a lot, put it on command. This means you can start it and stop it when you like. When your puppy is barking, say "speak" and praise. When he stops, say "stop" and reward with treats. Practice this when you play. This will help you control your puppy's arousal.

Puppy barking is common and can be a good means of communication. However, if it starts to get excessive, a little training will help your puppy learn to calm down and stop the barking.

