Canine Cirrhosis Treatment

Canine cirrhosis is a condition that may be caused by different liver diseases including hepatitis or liver infections. The canine cirrhosis treatment will be based on the dog's symptoms and his liver condition. If the dog is affected by a liver condition such as cirrhosis, medication is not always recommended, as traditional drugs contain a lot of toxins that will be difficult for the liver to break down.

Low Protein Diet

A change in diet is one of the most important things in treating a liver disease. The dog's liver has multiple purposes, the most important being the filtering of waste materials and ensuring the blood flow contains clean blood. When the dog has a liver condition, medication treatment may do more harm than good, due to the fact that the liver is not 100% active and will not be able to filter the toxins that exist in the drugs. The administration of drugs may lead to toxicity.

The dog's diet should be poor in proteins and the vet will recommend a wet diet, ensuring the liver's workload is diminished. Some vets may also recommend an all natural diet, which is free from any synthetic ingredients or chemicals that can be difficult for the liver to break down. A supplementation of amino acids and antioxidants will be recommended to help the recovery of the liver.


Sam-e or S-Adenosylmethionine can be administered to dogs for cirrhosis treatment. The product is manufactured from amino acids, which turn into antioxidants and other compounds that protect the liver and annihilate toxins. It will help the liver cells to regenerate, performing a body cleansing at the same time.

This treatment is recommended because it has no major side effects. However, some dogs may experience gastrointestinal problems manifested through vomiting and diarrhea during the first few days of treatment. The sam-e supplements may cause esophagus irritation.


Lactulose is sugar replacement that can be used in dogs with cirrhosis. The product is also efficient in managing constipation. Lactulose acts as a cleanser, facilitating ammonia elimination from the bloodstream. Common side effects of lactulose include:


Arginine is produced in the dog's body but may be supplemented when there are liver problems. Arginine is an amino acid that can stimulate the regeneration of the dog's liver and cleanses the blood. It can be administered as tablets, but this substance can also be administered in the dog's diet through dairy products, tuna, wheat, pork or chicken.


Carnitine is an antioxidant that can offer liver support. Carnitine supplements may be replaced by increased amounts of meat, legumes and whey in the dog's diet.

It is important to consult the vet prior to administering any type of cirrhosis treatment to your pet. Cirrhosis is a serious medical condition and if left untreated can lead to liver failure and death.

