Three Canine Health Care Products and Services You Don't Need

Canine health care can be confusing, and you may not realize that there are some canine health care products that you just don't need. Here is an overview of unnecessary canine health products.

Dietary Supplements

Unless your dog is suffering from some sort of illness such as liver disease, he doesn't need any vitamins to supplement his diet. Prepared dog food contains all the nutrients your dog needs. Healthy dogs do not require vitamin supplements.

Exercise Devices

While your dog may derive hours of pleasure from cherished toys, he doesn't need any special exercise devices, such as the much-touted "doggie treadmill". As long as you walk and play with your dog daily, he'll get plenty of exercise. You can even play with your dog indoors on rainy days.


While your dog might get constipated from time to time, he doesn't need laxatives. Constipation is normal, but can be prevented with plenty of water, a high-fiber diet and lots of exercise. If your dog does get constipated, give him some high-fiber food (such as wheat bran), make sure he gets plenty of water and make sure he exercises enough until the constipation passes.

