Canine Liver Failure Prognosis

The canine liver failure is a serious condition that is often fatal. However, the liver is an organ that has the capacity to regenerate and there are instances when the prognosis is positive. The prognosis of liver failure depends on several factors such as the age of the dog, his overall health, the condition of the liver and how early the liver disease is detected. In some cases, euthanasia will be recommended, while in others, the dog may have chances of survival if under strict veterinary care.

Canine Liver Failure

Dogs may develop a number of liver diseases and some of these may be deadly. However, the liver can regenerate if the condition is detected early enough and the dog no longer receives toxins that may further damage the liver.

The liver can regenerate even if it is over 60% damaged. However, when over 70% of the liver is damaged, the dog is diagnosed with liver failure and the liver will no longer be able to regenerate.

Liver Failure Prognosis

Due to the fact that the liver failure means that the dog’s liver is badly damaged and functions at a capacity of lower than 40%, the prognosis is poor. The liver may have difficulties regenerating. The recovery rate is between 10% and 20%.

Liver failure is a deadly disease, as the dog’s body will be filled with toxins that the liver won’t be able to assimilate. Some dogs die within 2 days of the liver failure diagnosis, while others may survive for a longer time.

The prognosis may also be influenced by a few factors, which vary from each dog to the other.

Factors Affecting Liver Failure Prognosis

The factors that may affect the liver failure prognosis include:

  • How early the liver disease is detected; if the liver failure is detected early, the dog may survive for longer while under constant supervision and IV fluids and in some cases, full recovery may be possible
  • Whether the dog has access to veterinary assistance; if the dog is under veterinary supervision, he may receive a number of helping therapies that can delay death
  • The dog’s age; younger dogs have higher regenerative capacities
  • The dog’s overall health and the strength of his immune system which are linked to the capacity of the body to cope with the toxins that won’t be assimilated by the liver
  • How much of the liver if affected; a liver that is 60% damaged may have chances of recovery, while a liver that only functions at a capacity of 20% will have poor chances of recovery and the system can fail within 12 hours

Caring for a Dog with Liver Failure

A dog with liver failure requires veterinary care and some vets will recommend euthanasia, as this is a more humane solution.

You should provide your pet with the care needed and decide for the best solution.

