Will a Canine Supplement Help with Aging?

An antioxidant rich canine supplement slows your pet's aging process. We want our pets to live a long, happy life. Dog food provides essential nutrients like protein and fat, but many foods lack antioxidants that help improve eye, heart and joint function. A dog's "old age" usually starts when the dog reaches the last third of a normal life span. For example, an English Bulldog's typical life span is nine years; therefore, the dog becomes "older" when it turns six. Aging and Dogs Like humans, dogs deal with metabolism changes as they age. Older dogs have less energy, so they require fewer calories. In their latter life, dogs should eat a diet lower in fat and higher in fiber. Adding a high-fiber canine supplement helps add years to the dog's life. As a dog ages, so does its risk for certain ailments and diseases. Older dogs become arthritic, gum disease is more prevalent, the risk of heart problems rises and a house trained dog begins having accidents. Older dogs have a higher risk of obesity, so make necessary dietary changes. Prevent many of these effects of aging by promoting a healthy body. Changing your pet's diet to match his/her age and offering an antioxidant rich supplement at a younger age will prolong a lifespan. The Importance of Antioxidants Veterinary research finds antioxidants boost a dog's immune system. Cancer rates in dogs taking an antioxidant canine supplement decrease. Illnesses such as kidney disease, cataracts and immune disorders become less of a concern. Antioxidants help dogs undergoing treatments for cancer or other diseases. Healthy pets also benefit from the addition of antioxidants to their diet. As the key role of an antioxidant is to repair damage to cells, you will find antioxidants aid in organ function, immune function and maintaining an excellent level of health. Benefits Provided by Different Antioxidants When shopping for a canine supplement, look for these antioxidants: * Alpha Lipoic Acid-A fatty acid that prevents cataracts, reverses the effects of aging and aids cell repair. * Grape Seed Extract-Rich in oligomeric proanthocyanidins that reduce the risk of cancer, improves blood circulation and promotes skin health. * Lutein-A key nutrient in corn, blueberries and leafy green vegetables that helps maintain superior eye health, including preventing cataracts. * Lycopene-Found in tomatoes and helps prevent free radicals from depleting cells of oxygen. * Milk Thistle Extract-Very helpful in repairing damaged liver cells by improving bile flow. * Selenium-Aids in tissue elasticity and preventing dry skin, also protects cells from free radicals. * Vitamin A-Maintains healthy eye function, skin appearance, production of white and red blood cells and aids bone and teeth growth. * Vitamin C-Vital component in the production of collagen, aids in wound healing and strengthens blood vessels. * Vitamin E-Protects red blood cells from damage and slows the aging process. Also ensures oxygen is delivered successfully to major organs within the body. Remember it is never too late to add an antioxidant rich canine supplement to your pet's diet. Even older pets benefit from the cellular repair and anti-aging properties antioxidants provide.

