Cat Age in Human Years

Cat age is different from the human age, and knowing the age your of pet in human years may be helpful, so that you get a full understanding of the animal's behavior and condition. Cats live up to 20 years, but most typically, they live between 12 and 16 years. The equivalent of a 20 year old cat is a person who is 96 years old.

First 2 Years of Life

The first 2 years of life are the equivalent of 24 human years. Consequently, the first year is the equivalent of the childhood. You may notice your cat is more playful and more curious to discover his environment. During the first 6 months, it is essential to administer the compulsory vaccinations, plus the shots recommended by your vet.

At the age of 6 to 9 months, female cats will get their first heat cycle and they will be ready to mate. This will bring on numerous behavior changes and the heat period will be a difficult one, as the cat will be more vocal, more agitated and always chased by male cats willing to mate. This problem can be solved by neutering the cat.

The following 6 months are the equivalent of the cat's teenager years. In cats, the teenage years are not different from the adult years and the cat may be more energetic.

Cat's Age in Human Years

After the age of 2, the cat's age can be easily calculated. When the cat is 2 years old, he is like a 24 or 25 year old adult.

Starting from this age, each cat year is the equivalent of 4 human years. Consequently, when the cat is 3 years old, he is like a 27 year old human.

  • At 6, the cat is approximately 40 years old in human years.
  • A 10 years old, the cat is like a 56 year old adult.
  • At 15, the cat is around 76 human years old.
  • If the cat gets to the age of 20, he is like a 96 year old person.

Senior Years

A cat is considered senior after the age of 7. Some breeds start showing signs of aging starting from the age of 5. The signs of aging will include:

  • Gray hairs or a change in the hair color
  • Decreased activity, more sleeping hours
  • More frequent infections
  • Gum disease or teeth problems, which also cause halitosis or bad breath
  • Slower moves
  • The cat may hesitate when having to perform certain moves
  • More affectionate behavior, looking for more affection from family

These symptoms should tell you that your pet is getting older, and you will need to get more frequent veterinary checks. Changing the diet may be recommended, so that the cat will digest the food easier and you will prevent digestive problems that may be associated with old age. You may also talk to the vet and establish if your pet is prone to any particular health condition, so that you can do everything you can to prevent it.

